Monday, December 25, 2006
Candlelight Christmas 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Hall friends' Xmas Celebration @ my house...again! :D

It is just great to be together again...somewhere outside hall this time! :D
I have to admit that having 2 nights of Xmas celebrations consecutively and being the host for both events can be a bit tiring. But glad that for my hall friends' celebration, we mostly just eat and talk and play polar bear. And of coz a game of mj as well in which I won again. Hahaha...I have no idea if it is luck or skill this time. :P
It's great to see some of the people who don't always join us, like Alvin and Weiming, come for the celebration. Thank you Yingz for dropping by you gal and will see you next year when you came back from Cambodia ya? *hugz* :) Thanks to Vincent, Peiying and Joe who came earlier to help out with the food preparation too. Thank you Vincent for orgainising this event. Thank you to Tze Shuuan for making the fondue for us. :D Thank you Jeannie for bringing your homecooked Indonesian food along too.
It is going to be the last semester for some of us next year and soon after we will have to move back to our homes. I will miss all those TCS with you all, and all the suppers and dinners together. Hope we will be as close as now after we graduate too. God bless you guys a merry merry Xmas! :D
Saturday, December 23, 2006
E240's Xmas Celebration @ my house :)

The night continues for us as we have another round of fun together. :D
A picture speaks a thousand words. And there are so many pictures here so I guess I need not describe further how much I enjoy the celebration. :P
Just wanna specially thank Deanna, Shu Hui and Joanne who came to my house earlier to help me out with the decorations and food preparations. Thank you Deanna for her curry chicken...I love it! Thank you Shu Hui for organising the game and events too. Thank you Sharon for cutting up the chicken and ham...really amazed by her skills...perfect housewife! :D
Only regret for this event is that we forgot to take a group photo! Sigh...never mind there will be another chance for sure. :) Thank you for the gals who stay over at my house and have those quality time together chatting, eating and playing Monopoly. Wish there will be more of such gatherings in the future with you all. *hugz* :)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Santa Claus Work :P

Thank God for I have a job! :D I have finally accepted the job offer from FKT Grant Thornton today. Actually I hesitated at first as I still wish to go and give it a try at the Big 4 again. But after praying again, I had a very strong feeling that God wants me to be at FKT. Since I have made my choice now, I should never look back but to look forward to what is waiting for me at the other end of the road. Thank God! :) My life is pretty settled now. Nothing much to worry about except to continue to finish my studies with good grades. *bleah*
I guess I am pretty easily satisfied now compared to the past when I strived to be perfect in everything in my life. Guess I am starting to grow tired easily in one way or another. Many things to think and consider before making any decision. But all I want is just to live a simple but happy life. I have a job offer, going to see my parents and my relatives soon, and I have two celebrations at my house for the next two days. What's more do I want? :D Sometimes being stable is pretty peaceful too...don't you think so? :P
I hope I am not growing complacent no though. Like my parents want to see me with a great boyfriend, I believe that God will tell me when the time comes to enter a relationship that will glorify Him and pleasing in His eyes. So the fact is either I am too calm and patient, or there is pretty nothing much for me to worry about but to be happy for what is in my life right now. So YES I am happy with my life at this moment! :D Praise the Lord! *muackz*
Right now I pray that I won't fall sick again. Caught a cold yesterday as I had no blanket to sleep with. I dumped it in the laundry basket to be washed and yet unfornately for the last two days it was raining non-stop. Super cold weather. I seemed like I am in a sickness that never come to heal completely! And guess it will be another sleepless nigts for the next two days with my friends around. guys pls try to keep me entertain so I can stay awake. :P
Looking forward to the end of this week. Will be super tired but I believe all the effort is worthwhile. :) Hope all these gatherings will bring my friends closer together too in the midst of our busy schedules. Love you all and hope everyone will have a wonderful time in this joyful Xmas season! *wink* ;)
"Love is actually all around! :D"
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
At The Beginning
Thank you for being there for me when I am in need.
Thank you for bringing love and joy in my life.
Thank you for bringing light into my world when it is dark.
Thank you for simply being my friends. :)
At The Beginning by Richard Marx & Donna Lewis
We were strangers
Starting out on a journey
Never dreaming what we'd have to go through
Now here we are
And I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you
No one told me I was going to find you
Unexpected, what you did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to remind me
This is the start
And life is a road, and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
At the end I want to be standing at the beginning
With you
We were strangers
On a crazy adventure
Never dreaming how our dreams would come true,
Now here we stand
Unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you
And life is a road, and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
At the end I want to be standing at the beginning
With you
Knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me, alone in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing's gonna tear us apart
And life is a road and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I want to be standing at the beginning
With you
And life is a road, and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep going on
Starting out on a journey
Life is a road and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
In the end I want to be standing at the beginning
With you
Monday, December 18, 2006
FKT Grant Thornton Interview + Out with Ying Wah

I need strength
I try to smile my tears away
I try to keep my cool
Oh but one more door gets in my way
I feel like such a fool
trampled and bitter
My heart just wants to bleed and stop
believing in me
It feels like nothing is for certain
and that nothing comes for free
When they're lowering the curtain to the
Theatre of my dreams
I stumble and I crumble and I'm
sinking to my knees but you
You cradle me
You keep me flying
You keep me smiling
You keep me safe in a crazy world
You understand me
Embrace my fragility
You keep me safe in a crazy world
And in your arms I find the strength
to believe in me again
Noise keeps chasing me
No matter where I go
Oh and life likes pretending that it's
on a TV show
When it's hard to tell what's real
From what the world just wants to preach
You are the world I seek
You keep me flying
You keep me smiling
You keep safe in a crazy world
You understand me
Embrace my fragility
You keep me safe in a crazy world
'Cause when I'm wrapped up in your arms
Nothing else can touch me
What a wonderful way to recharge
I feel like I can breathe again.
You keep me flying
You keep me smiling
You keep me safe in a crazy world
And in your arms I find the strength
to believe in me again
I am tired. I need strength and guidance from you Lord. God, pls catch me if I ever fall.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
SOT Graduation 2006

Enjoying our 美芝律 big prawn noodle at last! :D
Today's service highlight is the graduation ceremony of the SOT class 2006. Jason was also graduating from SOT today. The ceremony is simply great and as I was watching it, I really wish that one day I would be among these graduates too, with a certificate that is much more meaningful to me than many others as I know I would be another step closer to God then. :)
Pastor's message for today is about what can a person do for God: 1) We can pray; and 2) We set goals. However, setting goals has to be SMARTER than many other things -- Be Specific, Measurable, equipped with an Action plan which is Realistic and Time-conscious, and to have Expectation management skill and Revelations from God as well.
I believe what pastor told us today is very useful for our life: Strength is the capacity to handle failures. We don't succeed everytime on the things we strive or dream for, like those who are prosecuted for carrying out God's work and still not make the achievements they look up to. There is no guarantee for what we believe in. So why do we still follow?!
Well, simply because we need to try. If you don't try, how would you know if your dream can come true? Failures are part and parcels to our success and even the Chinese loves to say that “成功乃失败之母”.
It is our FAITH that we commit ourselves to God and not the result. If we can't accept failures, we are actually having a typical Singaporean mentality -- the "kiasu" mindset -- which indicates that our faith is built upon our blessings and take God as our sugar daddy. This is a very wrong attitude to have!
Faith is the capacity to take risks. We have to understand that failure is always a possibility that is present and it is inevitable. Yet, we should choose to take this risk to fail and fall into God's arms while we chased after our dreams rather than to withdraw ourselves from reaching for our dreams. Because if we choose to withdraw, our dreams will certainly never be able to fulfill. :)
The day end off with a nice lunch at a prawn noodle stall at Katong area and some window shopping. I finally get hold of the wishlist for the person I need to bless on. Hahaha...just wondering if I should do a little bit more than the item he wishes for. :P And thank God I got my study bible at last! :D It costs me a bomb but I believe it should be able to satisfy my hunger for His words and the many questions that I have in my bible reading for the time
"But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up. ~ Daniel 3:18"
Rainbow Theory
Life is just like our weather too. There will never be a time when our weather is smooth always. Once in a while there are rain, storms, thunder, and even hurricanes in our lives. But if we hold on till the end, be strong to overcome all these bad weathers in our lives, we will still see the sun at the end of the day. And even much more wonderful is that we will see rainbows, which are miracles in our lives.
I always hang on to this theory that I have created for myself whenever I feel down. It may not be an easy thing to get pass what bothers you. But with God, I believe all things are possible through Him who gives us this strength.
Take care & God bless you my friend. *hugz* :)
"Always remember that you are never alone because God has created you and I who are called 'friends'. :)"
Xmas shopping + plan discussion for our gathering :)

The props here brought us back to the time our saviour is born...hallelujah! :)
Xmas shopping + plan discussion for our gathering...contd

Glad to have our plans prepared at last. :)

Another day of great fellowship with you guys! *hugz* :D
Today went out with Weng and Shuhui to go for a Xmas shopping together. We are all looking out for gifts for our friends together. I just love Xmas season. Not only because of the gift-giving to our love ones, but also the joy of sharing our love to those around us. It is really a season of love and happiness. :)
We end our day at Coffe Club Express for dinner as everywhere is packed with people. Such a long time that I have a meal at a nice restaurant le. :P We finally settled down to our main purpose for this outing today -- the discussion for the Xmas plan for the gathering at my house on this coming Thursday. I can only say it is going to be fun manz...hahaha...hope everyone will enjoy themselves there! *wink* :D
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Believe in Love
I realise that, very often, our walk with God is never a smooth journey. There are many obstacles along the way to test our faith. Anything can come into our way: our work, our studies, our health, our friends, and the most crucial of all -- our family members.
I remember I was told that God will test our faith from time to time. He wants us to say it ourselves where He is in our hearts, even though He already know what is going to be the result of the test. And to test our faith, He will choose to use what is most precious to us. To most of us, our family members are very often used.
Family members are not given to us by choice but by destiny. I mean, how many of us Christians have come across the objections from our family members over our beliefs? How many of our parents have criticized us over what we believe in? I can understand the hurt and pain that many of us feel. Because these are the ones we love speaking to us, and to whom we expected to speak words of kindness instead.
The conversation with my friend last night made me realise the unnoticeable changes that already happened in my family. Even though my mum and I are always in miscommunications last time, God has helped me and her to learn to cope with each other's different characteristics. I thank God that we have resolved those communication conflicts now.
Especially when we have conflicts with our family, I believe it is more important we need to hold on to our faith. It is tough but it will make us strong. Prayer changes things. There is nothing more powerful than prayer because we are talking to God, the God who knows, understands and loves us more than anyone else.
If you are reading this my friend, I just wanna tell you that I am proud of you as being such a strong person. May you continue to rely on Him for guidance and strength. :)
"And we know and believe the love God cherishes for us. God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and continues in him. ~ 1 John 4:16"
Thank God for this message as it serves as a confirmation that the decision I made is right.
Thank God for teaching me the values of family and friends over the money issue.
Thank God for such a wonderful cell gathering tonight.
Thank God for the quality conversation that I had too.
Thank God for my great parents.
Thank God for everything. :)
Friday, December 15, 2006
Something About Christmas
Hope you guys enjoy it and remember always the true meaning for Xmas. May you all feel the warmth and happiness this special season can bring too.
Merry Christmas to everyone. :)
"Something About Christmas" by Joseph T. Renaldi
There is something about Christmas,
In Santa Claus and twinkling trees,
In the joy and laughter of every child,
People kneeling in prayer on arthritic knees.
There is something about Christmas,
Though many wishes and dreams may fail.
It is something we have learned to accept
Through each Yuletide trail.
There is something about Christmas,
Something that overwhelms the heart,
And it is displayed in every household
Of thoughtful and gentle people miles apart.
There is something about Christmas,
A magnificent day for old and young,
For it seems that people are more pleasant
When the traditional carols are sung.
There is something about Christmas,
A day of grace and visions of peace
And nothing on earth can destroy it.
Joy and peace on earth will never cease.
There is something about Christmas
When church bells ring and candles glow,
Signaling that Christ was born in a manger
In the holy city of Bethlehem - years ago.
"More poems can be found here: ... Enjoy! :P"
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Value vs Desire
I was thinking about my expenditure for next year as I will be travelling to other countries as well and it will cost me a bomb too. I was thinking that since I am going back in Feb, which is not too far away, there is no point in going back now. Nevertheless, in the end, I still bought my ticket.
My reason being is simple: I miss my parents a lot. There might not be another chance for me later on when I enter workforce as year-end period is the peak period for all accountants and auditors. And come to think about it, I have not spent a Xmas together with all my family present, especially with daddy, for more than 5 years now ever since he was posted to China. Xmas buffet was a tradition for my family every year to get together to celebrate and enjoy the company with one another.
Right now, even though I have an heartache for the hole in my pocket, I still feel great and look forward to see my parents back there. But true this money can be earned back and I will prove that once I started working. Well, by then I will be happy enough as I can finally share my dad's financial burden for the family too. Hope daddy no need to be so tired and stress everytime I saw him then. :)
Sometimes I wonder if I have value the money too much over what I desire to have. But then, I can't simply ignore it too right since that is the tool for our survival in this society? Ha. I think I am pretty money-minded sometimes. Maybe that's why God has planned the career path for me to be an accountant
True enough, we always desire for things that we can't or don't have. People who are not rich will wish for more money blessings. People who are not smart will wish for knowledge and wisdom. For me, I wish for more time with my family because I don't have the luxury to see them every day. If there is a chance to turn back time, I really wish that my dad didn't agree to be posted to China and just get a stable job in Singapore so I can see him everyday like I was young. But then, I guess maybe I will wish for other things by now if that is the case. I guess we will never stop wishing for other things to happen in our life when we don't have them right now.
But somehow I keep thinking again: If we keep wishing or wanting for things we don't or can't have in our life, with the limited time that we have in our lives, will there be enough time for us to treasure what we HAVE right now? When I thought of this, I agree with my dad from his point of view. He doesn't mind to pay for the extra cost for my tickets during this peak season because he really wanted to see me there with them for Xmas. He told me that since he can still afford it now, I should just go ahead and get a ticket. Until the time when we really in a tight financial situation that we can barely afford that ticket, by then I should consider about the cost.
Using back what i learnt from my lesson last time:
Value= Emotional benefits / Functional benefits (dunno if I remember correctly :P)
What my family still have is financial blessing from time to time. What my family lack of is the quality time we can spend together. I desire for the latter. And what I have right now is the free time and money. Hence, I choose to use it to reunite with my parents. I believe nothing is better than to give my parents the Xmas gifts that I made for them personally, face to face, and my reward will be to see their happy/puzzle/funny expressions on their face when they received the gifts from me. :)
I wanna thank God for all these blessings He gave my family. But as I thought about Him, there is a little tinge of guilt for I never treasure Him as much last time. Like I said earlier, we always desire for things that we can't or don't have, and we may neglect and forget to treasure what we have right now.
God has given us love, hope, freedom, happiness, prosperity and much more. He has given us a shelter to foster when we are in trouble. He always gives us in abundance. Yet how many of us have treasure what we have? We desire for things out of God gives, and we fail to see the consequences that some of these things that can bring to us. It is like we are very often desire the things out of the Eden that God has created for us. We fall for temptations that we shouldn't.
Shall we follow our hearts or God's heart? I bet this is a question that we are very often faced. I believe only when we know how to treasure what we have now, treasure God's words for us, it is then we will have everything that we really desire.
Thank God for the financial blessing over my family and me.
Thank God for the cheaper ticket that I get to find online that save me about S$100.
Thank God for the Xmas dinner that I finally get to enjoy with my parents for such a long time.
Thank God I can hand the gifts to my parents personally.
Thank God for your love for me. :)
"Never hesitate to show your love to the people you treasure for you never know what will happen tomorrow. Never live your life with regrets. Though my parents will never get to read this, I really love you both lots, mummy and daddy. I love you lots too, Jesus. :)"
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Happy Tuesday :)