Tuesday, February 27, 2007
First blog from HK
Well, for those who miss me (or my presents...haiz...lol), guess I need to disappoint you all for I didn't do much shopping here. Hahaha...I am really on a "just to relax" mood here and manage to watch the whole of the first season for the english drama "Supernatural" in China. The show is really frightening, more so than most of the ghost shows that I have watched so far. It has to do with lots of curses and spells and demons and stuffs. Kinda like watching ghostbusters and learning about witchcrafts manz. So take it with a "just for thrill" mindset when you watch the show ya?
Will be returning on Thursday night to Singapore. Guess I will focus on my presentation for the days remaining...PLUS the AA306 quiz that is going to be held next Wednesday. Sigh...I am starting to lose confidence in passing AA306 now. Tough tough...*sobz* :X But then, I am really glad to be here at last...it is worth the one week that I get to see daddy...hahaha...now you know I am a daddy's girl ya? *hohoho...lol* And the Macau holiday is really superb! Nothing beats this long-awaited reunion and family holiday trip! Lalalala....lol *bleaming* Wait till I show you all the photos! :D
"Blessed with a great family reunion for this piggy year...thank you Jesus! *muackz*"
Friday, February 16, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year! :D

[As you pour the other ingredients, you are supposed to say good wishes like “年年有余”, “财源广进” accordingly.]#3: Get your chopsticks ready and mix it!
[While you mix the ingredients, you are to pick a small portion and drop it back to the dish from the highest point you can reach. The higher it is, the higher level of good luck you will receive in the coming year. :)] From left to right: Weiting, Qiaoling, Bingz, Peiying, Me and Janice. :)
From right to left: Alvin, Joe, Weiming, Terry, Zhiwei, Vincent and Tze Shuuan.
Another surprise CNY goodies from church...I LOVE THE BAK KWA!!! :DD
Pastor Derek preached about dealing with the attitudes that may destroy our relationships in our daily life. There are 4 major emotions that kills a relationship: 1) Selfishness; 2) Pride; 3) Insecurities; and 4) Resentment.
Even in the bible it mentions in Proverbs 28:25 that "selfishness only causes trouble" when all we think of is ourselves. It is our nature to be selfish as we would often thought of what to wear to look nice on us, what is good to eat for our appetite etc. And the anitdote to cure our selfishness is to be selflessness. Being selflessness, we learn to think less of our own desires and be more concerned for others. It will bring out the best in the relationship as they will know you are truly concerned for them. And as you listen to the others more, you will be influence to change for the better, and at the same time, the other party will start to change because of you too.
While pride will lead to more arguments, pride is very self-deceiving as you will never notice it and only others will see that in you. We will have a tendency to compare people down. Pride will also make us a very stubborn person and very often we will find excuses to defend ourselves even when we have in deed done wrongs. And so, we need more humility so that we will not be proud. Yet, it can be pretty difficult to being humble as every one of us has pride in ourselves. Humility only increase when we are being more closer to a humble person, a person like Jesus. We will only learn to be more humble by spending more time in His words, with other christians etc.
As I shared with Zhiwei yesterday night while we walked back to hall, I realise the major issue that I have is probably insecurities. The fear of others' opinions have stopped us to move out of our boundary. Insecurities will make us fear of exposures and cause us to hide. We fear of rejections and hence we choose to keep quiet to avoid misunderstandings. I guess I am more afraid of rejections from time to time that it stopped me to speak out what is in my heart. And the anitdote suggested by pastor is love. Love will make us being willing to take the risk and try. Love will take us to put the focus off ourselves and concentrate on the needs and to understand what the other person is saying better. Love will make us complete and not feeling of any gaps in our life as much.
The last attitude that destroyed relationships is resentment. We are animals and like the usual reaction you get from an animal that is hurt is to bite back. That's what my hamster did most of the time too. Having resentment in our hearts will pile up anger. We can only let go of this anger by forgiving others. Doesn't each of us will desire forgiveness from someone we have offended? If we don't forgive, how would we expect people to forgive us? Forgiveness is not justifying ourselves. It is a joy that we do for others. I like the definition mentioned by pastor for the word "forgiveness":
"It is letting go of the pain and letting go of the right to get even with others."
These are all something that we need to deal with everyday in our lives as I believe every one of us certainly have gone through these emotions in our lives. It is a really great way to start a new year like this. As we visit our relatives and friends, there may be people we haven't talked to because of certain resentment in the past. Definitely after this service, it is time to make a change... :)
Went back hall early yesterday night to "lao" yusheng with my hall friends. It is really fun and happy. The feeling is very home-like and cozy. We are certainly like a big family living under the same roof for the past 3 years. Love you guys so so much!!! :D
Anyway, I will be leaving for HK in a few more hours...YEAH!!! :D Won't be blogging as much till I got back here unless I find an internet connection to do so...hahaha...lol So in the meantime, have fun guys and wish everyone a very very HAPPY CNY!!! *hugz* ;D
"Away in HK/Macau/China from 16 Feb to 1 Mar...stay tuned! :P"
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!
AA304 quiz is finally OVER! YEAHHH!!!! :D
Went out to shop for CNY clothes today. So far, I have bagged 2 T-shirts, 1 cardigan, 1 cargo pants and 1 leather sling bag. And 2 more days I will be heading HK, 5 more days I will be going to Macau for holiday with my parents...hahaha...nothing feels better than this year's CNY manz....YIPPEEEE!!!! :DD
Valentine's Day is a day special to the couples and simply normal or even saddening to some singles. Seriously, what is love??? Here's my own view about love:
Love is the happiness you feel when you are with that someone special.
Love is to give all that you have unconditionally.
Love is to show concern to someone when needed.
Love is to give someone the freedom to make their choices.
Love is always forgiving.
Love is to let go of the person so that he or she will be able to find the happiness they deserved.
Just my revelations to the attached and the married couples:
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Lim Chee Guan BAK KWA! :D
Monday, February 12, 2007
王力宏 -- 一首简单的歌
Tower of Babel

I am still curious over the reason for the construction of the tower. Can anyone explain it to me?
More about Tower of Babel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_babel
Sunday, February 11, 2007
First official Saturday service!

Super-sized ice milk tea...yummy! :D
Many people still absent for Saturday service today due to work committments and sickness. Feel slightly different but the service is of coz still great! :D Pastor continues the message on Cultural Mandate and how we influence the world.
"Preach the gospel constantly and if necessary, use words!"
This is one statement that I have learnt today and it keeps me thinking. Chew on it. :)
Going for service again as Bavis is going, and hopefully Yanning is coming too. Glad that Bavis is willing to join us even though Yanning can't make it for cell yesterday. Hope she will stay with us though. May God touches her heart once again. :)
"Culture is religion externalised. ~ Henry Van Til"
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Chill out @ Brewerkz & The Clinic

Cheers to good result! :D
Our finger-licking-good snackz...yummilicious! :P
Me & Vincent
Note: These are NOT shooters.
They are juz samples for all kinds of beer that Brewerks have. :PJoe
The Clinic's signature drink...very identical to the drips used in the hospitals.
Guess what I am doing?! :P
Our drinks!
It is very nice and have a sweet fruitty smell...
...kinda taste like ribena with strawberry and lychee...haha...lol

Vincent & Joe
Our main purpose to pubbing is not juz for the drinks, but more of the quality time that we have to juz sit down and chat. We talk about school, hall, work, friendship and many other stuffs.
I know things will certainly change when we leave hall next time. At least, we cannot flag a cab and go back to the same place le. I will miss them and all these moments...
Staying in hall will not be as fun and joyful without you guys.
Thank you for making my day. :)
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Food for thought
We are blessed with so many delicacies in this world.
Yet, how many dishes can we taste in our life?
Actually, most of the time, we are only given one choice.
Eat to live or live to eat?
I miss home-cooked food.
I miss mummy's soya sauce wings and Cantonese steamed fish.
I miss herbal soups that I drink daily.
Something that I discovered only after 3 years of staying here.
Do I miss the food?
Or do I miss the person who cook them?
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I shouldn't love you, but I want to
I just can't turn away
I shouldn't see you, but I can't move
I can't look away
I shouldn't love you, but I want to
I just can't turn away
I shouldn't see you, but I can't move
I can't look away
And I dont know how to be fine when I'm not
'Cause I don't know how to make the feelings stop
Just so you know
This feeling's takin' control
Of me and I can't help it
I won't sit around
I can't let him win now
Thought you should know
I've tried my best to let go
Of you but I don't want to
I just gotta say it all before I go
Just so you know
It's gettin' hard to
Be around you
There's so much I can't say
Do you want me to hide the feelings
And look the other way
This emptiness is killin' me
And I'm wonderin' why I've waited so long
Lookin' back I realize it was always there, just never spoken
I'm waitin' here
Been waitin' here
"Growing in fond of his songs each day... :)"
Sunday, February 04, 2007
I don't really know the reason for the change but this has been in our speculation lately. It has only become a reality today. I guess Sis Jaz will tell us the reason when she is back from her HK trip. Or maybe we wouldn't truly know why there is a need to change.
In fact, I was a bit upset for the change. Up to now, I cannot really see myself taking Sunday off to stay at home and went to church on Saturday instead. A practice for almost 20 years is hard to be altered over a week. Right now, I seriously does not like the idea.
Yet I am not saying I will reject this idea too. In fact, I believe it can be a long-term benefits for us too. For those who are working, Sunday can finally be a day for them to rest at home now. Or if we ever shift our cgm to Sunday, it will be even better as our mind will be able to come prepared and fresh for God's words. Fellowship among us can also be improved. Bible study lessons with Shuhui can be held on every Sunday now and there is no rush for us over the weekdays. It is really tiring and distracting when you are loaded with school and work at the end of your day. And I hope that our cell can enjoy our dinner on the Saturday together from now on...
Thinking a bit more, I am thinking now if the reason for us to shift is because Bro Darren's zone is getting younger now. Saturday is mostly meant for the youngsters and I can only think that this is the highly likely reason for the change. Sigh...wish I know why.
The only fear I have right now is the inconvenience of others like family dinners on Saturday nights. Will they change their schedule for it? Or will they choose to change cell or zone? I guess those are the two options given to us ba...do we have any other choices?
In fact, I believe there are going to be more changes in this year. A cell group leader is attaching to our group these few weeks le. Her appearance keeps me thinking. Is she here to take over our cell? Or is she here to train someone else to be another cell group leader? I have a feeling that something big...a major change will be going to happen soon. And I mean REAL soon.
I don't know if I can take all these changes now. My semester is one big change with the HARDEST modules I have ever taken in NTU through my 3 years life. And now, the changes in church feels like I need to move out of my comfort zone somehow. I really don't like changes, especially the change in church. Maybe that is a phobia I had with my old church. I juz have this weakness for not knowing of how the future will go now. My insecurities.
Chat with Huiling for a while juz now before she heads off for Poland later. Gonna miss her. Haven't manage to meet up with her since she is super busy with her internship. Guess I will see her over there in May ba. Take care babe! *muackz*
Realise that I have many friends overseas this semester. TOO many. Hung Yi told me Tanny has gone to Boston for exchange. Erin is exchanging over at Berkeley. Calvin is also at Georgia now. Then, Yee Jia is having one whole year of exchange at France, Yimin taking this semester at Southhampton, and Huiling at Poland. Plus Daryl, Brian, Ziyang, and Junhui...I have at least 10 friends overseas! It makes me feel kinda left alone here. Wish I were there to join them too. Sigh...
Went to Chinatown to check out the tours to Europe after lunch. The agencies like Chan Brothers and SA Tours that I wanna go are not opened. Those that offer the tours are way too expensive from what I have checked online. Maybe I need to go down one more day before I go back HK to reconfirm the price here. I can't wait to go and find my friends manz. Europe first, then hopefully some time down the road I will go US to find the others. :)
Got AA304 quiz next week and I am VERY worried for it. If I can't score better in AA304, don't even think in the same way for AA206 and AA306 manz. I am really worried for them. But yet I am still enjoying my study life this semester. It will be different for sure. Yeah...JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU!!! :P
And the not-so-fortunate thing is that Yingz Birthday falls on this Tuesday! Wanted to go NUS to find her even but she is already packed with her schedule le. I guess I can only meet up with her after it. Haiz...sorry and I miss you so much babe!
Yuhan also juz passed me her 21st Birthday invitation card. But unfortunately it falls on the period while I am in HK. Owe you a birthday gift gal! Haiz...what is happening to me this year that I am missing out on my friends' birthday???
I am happy that my idea for the Valentine's Day gift for the guys is taken. Actually, I haven't tried it before but the idea juz come along when they tell me how it goes last year. Hahaha...pray that the brothers will appreciate it manz...lol Now I juz hope that it will work out in time. I trust my sisters are good at it for sure...yeah! :D
"If I were to be hindered and stopped now, I know I will never know what is waiting for me at the end of the road le..."
Saturday, February 03, 2007
when they have established their career,
when they dress up and become better looking,
when they become more talented,
they are able to make more women fall for them.
Yet they don't know,
what these women fall for,
is their money,
their looks,
and their ability to please them.
And when they realise the truth,
they will also realise,
they have already lost,
the one who truly love them for who they are."
Taken from my friend's blog...
Be strong...
Friday, February 02, 2007
Counting down my days :)
Love the prata @ Ah Fang! :D
From left to right: Vincent, Joe and me!
Our group seem to be growing smaller and smaller each time. Some has gone for exchange overseas, while some are juz too attached to dota.
I miss all these suppers with you guys manz...sigh... :l
Hanjie (my neighbour) & Lincoln
Yeah...we shall come again soon...hahaha...hopefully...lol *wink*
Today is another busy day with the seminars and tutorials. I am a few seminars behind now. AA306 is incomprehensive, AA304 is getting harder and harder, and AA206's calculations are super tough! I just don't like bonds and stocks!!! :X Next week, I will take over the presentation for AA206 with Huiqi. The way I see how our tutor shoot us questions is really scary. Oh God, please give me the wisdom so I can manage to answer those questions that she will be asking! *pray*
Went to 179 for dinner with Joe, Vic and Vincent. Hahaha...I LOVE to have dinners with these guys manz! :D Nowadays we are all so busy and it seems like we are getting less and less chance together le. We are planning a CNY steamboat dinner again this year and hopefully it will be held when I am still around ba...sigh... :l
Joe told me that KPMG is still lack of people and that they are offering $200 more for recruitment now. They are even calling up people who never apply to the firm to join them. I think if I reapply to them, I guess I will still stand a good chance since my last semester did not fare too badly. But somehow, I am pretty settled myself with the idea that I am NOT joining any of the Big 4. I believe I would not fit into their environment anyway as it will be very competitive and stressful. I am not a person who can take up too much stress. I can finally understand and see more clearly why God does not want me to be there le. Thank you! :)
Realise I am getting bored in my room tonight. Going for supper later with Joe and the others at 1130pm. Haven't been to supper with them for some time too. Don't really have the mood to mug on a Friday night. Yet I am worried about my modules still. And the worse is that Joe's words keep ringing in my mind now! NO PANGYA! NO NO NO!!! Hahahaha...I am NOT going to try to play that game manz...lol He always introduce new games to me that I will ALWAYS get addicted to...but NOT this time...NO PANGYA!!! :P Hahaha...lol
I think I will read up on either AA306 on consolidation or AA304 later in the night. Realise there is an AA304 quiz on Valentine's Day and another AA306 quiz right after the recess week. Thank God that I don't have anything on tomorrow (except AA206 online discussion at night) so I can spend the whole day studying. And hopefully, I can start it off with a good breakfast at the extension with a kaya toast and a half boiled egg. :P GO GO JIAYOU CHRISTINE!!!
"I will remind myself to be consistent for this semester...yeah...lol"
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Keep on learning
Wanted to go for the career fair today but ended up getting stuck in my AA206 project. We try to make adjustments to the financial reports using the BAV software. It was not as easy as it seems when it comes to the classification of the accounts. But we thought we HAVE to use the software no matter what as our tutor has commended about it. And so our group continue with the work for about 3 hours and only come to realise we need not have to use that software after all! The software, at least, it is NOT needed for tomorrow's presentation...ALAMAK!
Since it is already half finished, we carry on with it and only to do our slides much later on. Te whole thing took us 6 hours manz...juz for a 10mins presentation. A few hours to trade for that little time to present...is that really worth it??? :P Oh well, maybe not so if we try the easier way ba... :P
Well, sometimes have you wonder how much time you put in to do something is actually NEVER proportional to how much the end result is being used on? We used to study for months or even years just for a single paper at the end of the course in order to get the degree or certificate that we want. We can never perfect certain skills without learning it throughtout our life. Even if you are the best chef in the world, you can NEVER stop learning and testing out new dishes because you never know when someone else will have caught up with you...or even exceed you.
Last time I do have grumbles over the overload of work to do when I came to my accounting course. Now I really appreciate the work of the accountants and auditors as I could not have imagine there are so many things to consider when all you need to do is prepare that financial statements. I juz wanna learn so much more and keep myself updated and maintain that competitive advantage that I would still have in my industry.
Dad has told me before that even after my graduation, he actually want me to take up part-time course for another degree that can relate to accountancy. I never forget what he told me then. The first thought about taking up a part-time course certainly is deafening as the OT that an auditor is going to get will NEVER be able to put that thinking into action. Yet I do agree with what he says.
Even though I have a job on hand now does not mean my career path will have to stop here. I could have switched to another career lines like the two ex-accountants in my oil painting class. Even my childhood dream of becoming an accountant is only a sub process to the final goal -- to set up my own business.
God has certainly provided me with many many options for me to choose from to walk in the future. Sometimes I only wonder which way he wants me to walk. Even though God knows my decisions way before I even make them, I still want to know his direction for my path. I want to know what he is thinking of whenever I made that decision, what he sees there that I didn't see it myself.
Yet many times, it appears that our eyes are so often covered with certain veil that prevent us to see things more clearly the way we want it. And hence, we made our mistakes when we choose the wrong path. Is that really so?
Remember what I say about learning juz now that it is a lifetime process? I only wonder if even we have chosen the wrong path to take, is it really that bad? If there is no mistakes or failures in our lives, then where else can we learn to breakthrough in our common monotonous routine?
Ordeals are there to make a person stronger. Even Jesus never has a smooth journey while he was on earth. I believe no matter how strong you proclaim yourself to be, your true strength will only be shown on how you deal with the ordeals in your life. If you cannot solve certain problems in life and you choose to leave, you will never come to know that answer and live with yourself escaping from it. Do you like it that way?
Hahahaha...don't worry I am doing fine. But I guess I need to sort out my own thoughts once in a while and to remind myself once again who I really am. If God puts me to be an independent person, I believe what I can give back to him is to help the others around me to remain as strong and independent as I am. Even if you were being put into total darkness [hopefully not], you juz know that you can always find a way to dig a hole to let the sunlight comes in. Because there is juz no place on this earth is really totally in darkness?? :P Hahaha...lol
"As you were, I was. As I am, you will be. ~ Hunter S. Thompson, Hell's Angels."