The 'box' theatre is really stylish and they make snow blowing inside by placing a hairdyer from the hole
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Drama Ministry!
The 'box' theatre is really stylish and they make snow blowing inside by placing a hairdyer from the hole
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Happy Birthday Mummy! :)

Monday, September 24, 2007
Prawn Fishing!

- Throw the bait into the river,
- Wait for the indicator to go upright and being pulled down,
- Wait for the right depth where the indicator is being pulled to,
- Pulled the rod towars the back!
3 prawns, $2 tag and fastest timing...I guess it was my lucky day that day and the unlucky day for the prawns! :P

The prawn meat is crunchy and fresh with a natural salted favour. It wasn't that hygenic to eat them but it was a good experience to me. Well, my sleep is lost...but for a good reason this time.
Fishing is fun especially you are on the verge of getting the prawn hooked up and yet it went off, probably the movement to your rod alert them about some danger. Sometimes, you can feel the prawn slowly nibbling away your food and yet it is not enough to hook them up and let them run away. You can feel quite fed up with that but you will also be wiser. There are some skill to be picked up here if you want a quick catch. I have seen a few of the experts around who can hook up a few prawns in juz a few minutes!
Initially, I don't have much likings to fishing as I heard how cruel it is to hook the fish up and eat them. Or worse you let them go, they will still suffer a slow death because when you took off the bait from their mouth, the hook would have designed in the way that it will cut their throat and die slowly to remain its freshness. So eating the prawns at that time I don't feel that good too...but then they were already cooked so not eating them will be such a waste too right? :/
I wouldn't mind going there again. This is so much more fun and healthier compared to pubbing or clubbing at night ya? :P Hahaha...something to keep the sleepless people busy...or even just to make them fall asleep while waiting for the prawn to be hooked...and juz wait...and wait....and.... *zzzZZZ* :P
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Little secrets of me =)
Glad to meet up with my two closest friends at last after weeks and weeks of all these hectic workloads, games, trips, and job deadlines to meet! :P It always feel so good to be around them and juz talk about everything that is going on in our lives. I really miss you guys so so much!!! :DD
Today, on my way home, I finally tell Yingz the very issue that has been bothering me for all these weeks. I feel happy after I told her, in a way it was more of a sign of confirmation to me that indeed it existed and it is for real. She is SO right about me -- I am serious about it this time. If I were to keep it in my mind, then I would be denying its presence. Though there is nothing I can do about it, I thank God for this peace and joy in my heart. Right now, I can only pray about it and see what will happen next... :)
And at the same time, I can sense those signs of worries and alarms from the other event. It was all meant good to me but I feel so guilty about it. It sort of put me into a dilemma somehow. I can understand it is normal for us to feel that way but yet wouldn't it sounds like a discrimination? Trust is a big issue here...can we do it? Like Yingz suggest, I have to really handle this matter with extra cautious as it can lead to serious consequences -- to maintain the same situation now and yet to keep a distance away. Irony and contradicting, but that is probably the best solution we could have...for now...sigh...
"There is a time for everything, and everything is beautiful in His time...Amen! :)"
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Happy Belated Birthday Daph! :D
Although only the 5 of us can make it tonight for the celebration, it was a great time of laughter and joy together. May God bless our cell group and bring all of us much closer together... :)
Frankly speaking, I was a little disappointed today as the small number of people who can make it for the celebration tonight. We had already postponed it from Saturday as that night service attendance was very low as well. Since Daph has courses on Fridays for this coming week as well as the next two weeks, there is no chance we can celebrate it during cell group and so I had to carry on with my plan. Thankfully, maybe the group of us is not big, we get to talk and chit chat lots more than we would be in a large group. And with everyone high on the spirits, we have a hard time laughing our heads off. Well...what do you think with Weng and Daph's presence?? :P
Sometimes, I wish there are things to be done in my cell group, to change the way we relate to one another in terms of the quality time we can have to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk. Coz most of the time, we are like acquaintances who see each other only during cell groups and services and the kind of a hi-bye friendship. In fact, the members who attend regularly for the meetings and services are shrinking. Is it because we are all busy working and tired after that, or we are all simply too self-focused to come together? I don't mean to make comparisons but I do envy how the other cell group manage to grow and bond so much closer to one there anything I can do for mine as well?
Currently, I am considering to taking the bible study lessons in school as Shu Hui and I are both too busy to come up with a time we can meet up anymore. Well, I still miss those fellowships at the cafes, fast food outlets and even TCC for those wonderful sessions. But I realise I cannot stop here because we are busy. Or else, my Christian Lifestyle will just be stuck there forever. Oh wells... :P
Right now, I wanna grow towards Him, hunger for his words and to see breakthroughs in my life. I doesn't want to stay at one place because I realise I have been there for way too long. This week I finally get to do the actual audit instead of the audit reviews. It was really lots of things to do even for this small company I am working on. And my senior is expecting us to finish it within this week...oh manz how to do it?! :S
Yet at this moment, I am actually a little excited about the work too, thinking in my heart: So is this what auditor is like? Meeting deadlines that seems so near and yet so far? And imagine such work is gonna be double or triple the challenges when you are facing a larger IPO firms or during the peak period when you could have to handle more than one company? I really don't know what is going through my mind but I can feel in the midst of this busy tiring work, I can manage to find the joy of it too...which I thank God for that positive thinking in me! :D
Well time to rest for now and do some of my work at home (no claim for OT though...*sadz*). This week is packed for me but I believe it is gonna be a great week again...praise God! :D
Mon: Dinner with Daryl and Huiling.
Tue: Daph's birthday surprise celebration.
Wed: Dinner with Yingz and shopping for her anniversary persent. :)
Thu: Dinner with Junhui (hopefully she is available) before the girl flies back to London.
Fri: CG meeting! :D
Sat: Cycling trip with hall friends to Pulau Ubin and dinner...sounds like a preparation for me for the Malaysia cycling trip next week! :P
Sun: Drama training workshop final session with the presentation of our work and props (See the picture of the stage for my team's puppet show on the right? *wink*). Hope my team will put up a great performance ya? Drum roll for our Romantic Christmas puppet show! :))
Time to plan for my mum's birthday celebration too next week (26th Sep!!!)...and guess what I got for her this year? One session of spa massage at Citispa! :) Geez...I just hope she'll like it manz...oh well... *cross fingers* :P
Monday, September 17, 2007
Paintball = Pain ball?
Group 2: Me, Bernard, Wei Jin, Darren
The person in charge of the range gave us a detailed briefing on the safety measures and the rules of the game before we head on to the battlefield. He advice us higly on wearing jeans as in case you were shot by the paintball, it's got to be quite painful. His words kinda scare Vicky who changes back to her jeans immediately after seeing the demonstration of the shooting of the paintball gun. But again, I guess that's depends on far you are from the rifle as well right? :)
We are divided into two teams to play the game against each other. There are also different ways to play the game as well. For the first three games, we were required to shoot down two targets on the opposite team, snatch a box in front on our own base and carry it back without being shot by the opponent. Once shot, we are required to drop the box and went to the so-called first aid shelter to touch the shelter before heading back to the battlefield. My team won the first round and lost to the second and the third round.
Next, since we only bought 1000 over shots for everyone to share and we don't want to replenish the gun as the shots are quite expensive (1000 shots = S$250), we continue to our final game which is called Shooting the Zombie. That means there is no targets for us to shoot now but the people from the opposite team. We are either to shoot till only the last person is left 'alive', or till we ran out of amunition. If we were being shot once, we would have to head back to the first aid shelter before continuing the game. If we were being shot again, we would be out of the game. Our game ended with Sumed and Vicky running out of amunition. And in this round I finally got shot as well at my shoulder. was not as painful as I thought it would be. Or, maybe I am lucky it could have been fired from afar...oh well...*grinz* :)
Well, after today session, I think I will still like paintball shooting. I guess it is just in my blood that I like all these shooting and aiming target stuffs since I have bee an air rifle shooter after a decade...oh manz I MISS SHOOTING!!! :P
Anyone interested in paintball shooting or want to organise it below are the details:
Venue: TAG Paintball, Singapore Orchid Country Club
Cost: Depends on the number of shots you choose to play. Charges will also include the entry fee to the place.
Packages are available for groups, starting from as low as $35 for day games with a minimum of 20 players, with free shuttle bus services provided from Yishun MRT Station to the Club. Free parking at OCC will also be given to players who are driving there.
Opening hours: Open only for pre-reserved groups / parties and by appointments only. Groups of six or more players with a minimum purchase of 1000 paintball are accepted. Reservation must be made at least 2 days in advance. The first time slot starts from 9am and the last time slot is at 10pm.
What to bring: All players are advised to come with long sleeve T-shirt, jeans/pants, cap, socks & shoes with ankel support, and a set of clothes & towel for changing.
You can also check out their website at
"Are you game for it? *wink*"
How to end the week...

Contestant #3: Jason Liew!
He is certainly the winner...I mean who can beat him! :D He is always so full of humours and daring to show funny faces know you will always have a great time with this guy as he will not only give you his sunshine smile but to influence you to put on yours as But hey this is not the Cutest Guy Contest ya? *bleah*
I like last Friday CG session as Bro Darren talks to us about the importance of relating to one another and even have those little practical lessons there. No matter how smart or brilliant we are, what really affects us in our work and lives are not just the qualities of the job we are working on or our standard of living, BUT the people around us. If our relationships with our fellow colleagues and managers are good, we will still be satisfied and find joy in our work. If our relationships with our friends are good, we will never feel lonely. If our relationships with our family members are good, we will feel warmth at home no matter how tough our life outside have been and we will find the strength to carry on with our life from this resting place.
The practical session we had was divided into 3 little parts:
- Relate to another person face-to-face by giving positive comments about him/her.
- Relate to a small group of people by giving positive comments about a person who is also in the group.
- Relate to many others with your friend by getting your friend to talk about him/her to the rest of the group.
Most of the time we feel awkward by commenting about others in front of them or even talking about them to others in their presence. Yet, when you give those positive comments about the person, you increase their values in your well as yours in their hearts. It is the same thing as you talk to the rest of the group. And when that value is being raised, you will feel good about each other and relationship is created or bonded closer. Won't you agree? :)