1. Christmas @ Orchard Road

2. Christmas @ Changs

What's more this year is that there are new services over at the Jurong West church since we have started Sunday afternoon services, catering to those members who stay in the west.
So everything is gonna be multiplied by 2: drama, actors/actresses, props, ministry helpers...and hopefully the coming crowd! :))
The highlight of the Christmas services is always the lighting up of the candlelight...the whole place is simply beautiful with the sea of candle lights flickering in the dark hall.
Maybe some of us are going through the darkest stage in their life now.
Maybe they experienced failures in their business and their work.
Maybe they have come with a broken relationship with their families, their love ones or their friends.
Sometimes, all they need is just that someone to light up that candle in their life for them so they can see through the darkness...This year Christmas I need to be present for all the services at Expo since I am serving in the props team. We act as standby and wait next to the stage in case there is any missing or spoilt props that need to be repaired.
Watching the Christmas drama from the backstage is something new to me. It opens me up to the other side of the whole production where others may not be able to understand the commitment we need to sacrifice for this event.
Yet, the result of it is always rewarding...and to see how people are touched by it and make their decisions to come to accept Christ is truly all worth it... :)

For someone like me who enjoy doing such arts & crafts stuffs, this is like a ministry-hobby combination for me. I enjoy serving God because deep in my heart I truly want to make contribution to his house. Everyone is given different gifts so we can used them in different areas. I may not be someone who can talk or counsel others. I may not have a great voice to praise God on stage like the singers and the choir. Yet, I believe, God has given me a creative mind and good hands to make these little props and help lighten the load of Baoli too...yeah...lol
From a normal A4 carton box, to a treasure chest, and even to have gemstone, jewels and gold bars in the chest actually take up quite some time to make them...yet determination will win the prize ya? :)
4. Fellowship with my cell group members...and endless games of Saboteur! :P
I truly missed them when I was in the backstage. Even Baoli wish to be with her cell group members too. Hence, it was truly the best news to us when we know that we have no rehearsal after the Christmas service on Sunday so that we can join the group. I love you guys so so much!
Juz to let you all know, we are most addicted to this game called "Saboteur" ever since we first played it together at Settlers. You can imagine how much we like this game as both Terence and Tina each bought a set of the card game after that.
Now, we always find a secluded place to play this card game together...and we can play it for hours after hours! :DD
Muddy Mud Pie from Coffee Club!
Somehow, the size seems to have shrunk even with the inflation of the price by $1.90... :X
Kian Hoe is back from Cambridge for this year Christmas. And so does Kat from Indonesia!
We purposedly brought Kian Hoe to taste the local food once again right before another rounds of our usual pool games with the same old pool gang. :P
This is my first time trying fish head steamboat...well to be honest, I don't really like it... :P
5. Christmas present for myself!
The Attributes book 3-for-2 promotion came in just nice for me as I always wanted to buy in a few more spiritual books to fill up my free time, a time to read and relax. Hence I reward myself with 3 books since I finally get my bonus this year...woohoo! :))
Unfortunately, there is just one book that is out of stock and I really wish to get my hands on it. "I Dare You" by Joyce Meyer is a book about the passion for God and how we can maintain it.
Well, maybe I will get it when the stock comes in. Or...who want to bless me with it? Hahaha...juz kidding... :P
Sometimes attending services and cell groups may not be enough in our walk with God. If you truly love God, you will be excited and really want to know much more about him. Quiet time and reading up the books are also essentials to building a closer relationship with God. It not only helps to increase our understanding of what God wants in us, but also to keep our faith strong and to remind us once again that in all the things we do, we need to rely on God and listen to Him with our hearts. That there will always be a soft spot for God to be in the centre of our life, instead of we ourselves controlling our life...
These days I have fallen in love with the Crabtree & Evelyn products. I guess as you mature, you will realise on the importance of skincare, which is especially essential in times of stress and busyness at work. Toys are no longer a favourite as a gift but something practical will come in more useful than ever.
For the gift exchange I have already put in these two items, will my angel bless me with my desire gifts? I want I want! :P
"The Cross" drawn by Phi Pringle during one of his services here...love it... :)
"Next forward-looking event: Post-Xmas gathering @ my house this Friday 28th Dec...so see you guys till then! :D"