In fact, it is a joy for me to jog around my neighbourhood, after work...whenever I am free...whenever I feel like it! *bleah*
Shape Run registration finally opens today! The day I have been waiting for all this while...
Last year I didn't manage to sign up for it as it was fully signed up for just within weeks! you know our ladies do love to jog ya? *wink* ;)
This year I am aiming to join quite a few runs. And up to now, I have already signed up for 3 runs and there are 2 more runs that I am just waiting for their early bird registration. My final goal for 2008 is to join in the half marathon (21km) for the Standard Chartered Run. I have missed last year's due to my CFA exam and I am not going to let it go this year for sure. least I am exam-free this time alright? =p
I am just as excited about the run as with the increase number of my friends joining in...especially the girls in my cell group! Hahaha...cheers to my running khakis Daynia, Esther and to both Xinyi(s)! =) Hahaha...hope to see more of the girls (+ the brothers ya?) joining what are you guys waiting for? =p
If anyone of you are interested to join me and my friends to run, feel free to let me know ya or help yourself to register for the events. Here are the runs that I am or planning to join:
1) Passion Run [for both men & women]
Date: 8 June 2008
Venue: East Coast Park, E2 (Angsana Green)
Category: 5km / 10km [I am joining for the 5km run as I am too late for the 10km registration...oh wells... =S]
Registration: Closed
2) Shape Run [women only...the men don't get it! *bleah* =p]
Date: 20 July 2008
Venue: The Padang, St Andrew Road
Category: 5km / 10km [I am running for 10km!]
Registration: Starting on 26 Apr...which is today! :o :D :p
3) Singapore Bay Run (formerly know as Shears Bridge Run) & Army Half Marathon [singaporean guys shd be more familiar with this run...]
Date: 24 August 2008
Venue: Esplanade Drive, The Padang
Category: 6km / 10km / 21km [Join me for 10km again ya? =p]
Registration: Early bird (up till 30 Apr), Normal (1 May - 30 Jun), Final (1 Jul - 31 Jul)
4) Great Eastern Women Run [the title says it]
Date: 26 October 2008
Category: 10km
Registration: Not open yet
5) Standard Chartered Run [the biggest run of the year as always!]
Date: somewhere in Dec
Category: 10km / 21km / 45km
Registration: Not open yet
If anyone wants to challenge themselves, there is actually another...I would say more crazy run coming NIGHT...the Adidas Sundown Run! Its category is certainly not meant for the fainted hearts...hahaha...sound familiar? =p
Details are as below if you want to join...but sorry this one I am not joining you...paiseh... =)
Adidas Sundown Run [join only if you are THAT passionate about it...]
Date: 31 May 2008 (2000h or 2359h)
Venue: Changi Point
Category: 42km / 84km
Registration: Ends on 30 Apr 2008
So are you keen to join me? =))