Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Farewell My Pink Dutch Lady!

China milk scare recently has affected me too as I am left with no milk to drink after my long-time milk supplier, Dutch Lady Strawberry Milk, has been tested positive for the presence of melamine, the industrial chemical that caused nearly 53,000 children being taken to hospital after drinking the contaminated milk in China! What more traumatising to me is the fact that I actually just bought 2 bottles of the pink milk just days before the incident happened!!! =X

Just last week, I had finished 1 bottle 2 or 3 days before the news announcement and even half of the other bottle after the news because I didn't know Dutch Lady is in the contaminated list! My mum was totally shocked to find out I was still drinking it!

Well, thank God I am pretty okay right now...besides the fact that I had the usual flu which I believe the cause of it is not from the contaminated milk I drank...phew...

Yet, I guess after this incident, it will certainly take me some time to reconsider if I should go back to Dutch Lady or another brand. After all, I can only accept milk from a few brands only because of I am lactose intolerant and certain milk taste will make me want to puke. Gosh...I will miss drinking milk! =X

There are so far 4 milk products manufactured from China and imported in Singapore that are tested positive with melamine. Besides Dutch Lady Strawberry Milk, the White Rabbit Milk Candy is the other one that I ate often, especially when I was younger and during Chinese New Year season. Thankfully, I don't eat much of it other than those special occaions...

Honestly, I hope there won't be anymore products that are tested positive with melamine in Singapore. It is really scary to know that part of the daily needs of our lives are not healthy, especially you bought them home for consumption in the thinking that it is healthy and will imporve your body!

To me, after traumatised by the Dutch Lady news, waiting for the health board to announce which products contain melamine now is like waiting for a potential time bomb to explode.

Trust...is certainly something that needs a long time to build up and a second to destroy it all...


Number of sick Chinese babies soars to nearly 53,000 as milk scare spreads http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/377582/1/.html

Major supermarkets recall over 15 brands of China-made food products

Importer of Dutch Lady brand milk destroying all milk made in China
WHO hits out at China over milk formula scandal
Ban on China milk products affecting business of small retailers
"White Rabbit Creamy Candy" from China also tainted with melamine


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