Monday, May 26, 2008

Speak the WORD!

Guess who we are? =p

You are right manz...the 3 pretty ladies! =D *bleah*

I have a great experience with God to share this week. More to personal feelings so you might not understand that impact on me. But it sure touched me deep in my heart and edifies me a lot. My God is 100% alive! =D

If you don't agree with me, I will strongly advice you to say a simple prayer to him to ask him to show himself to you. And if you are willing to open to that suggestion without doubt, I am certain he will find his way to appear to you...yeah... *wink* ;)

Here it goes (a little long with intro..hehe...=p):

Last Friday Bro Darren finally returned from his mission trip from Indonesia and he leaded our cell group once again. After the praise and worship, he started to preach to us about prayer, which is a continual from the last time he lead us.

He talked about speaking in tongues is a mean to bring us to the our destination and into the supernatural realm. He continued that God already has a plan for us before we are borned. For in Jeremiah 1:4-5,

"The word of the LORD came to me, saying, 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.'"

Some of our destiny is yet to be seen because it is in the spiritual realm. We need to bring it out, or change our natural reality in order to see it!

So 3 ways to do it:

1) Get a WORD from the Holy Spirit;

2) SPEAK the word;

3) SEE the word in our imagination.

From Jeremiah 1:6-12

"Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me:

'Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.'

Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying 'Jeremiah, what do you see?'

And I said, 'I see a branch of an almond tree.'

Then the Lord said to me, 'You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.'"

In Gensis 13:14-16, God asked Abraham to see and imagine what he will promise to give him everything that he sees there and for his descendants. God gives us the imagination so that we won't be limited to what we see in the reality. And together with the Holy Spirit, God will eventually give us what we see in our imagination.

We ought to learn to see God bigger in our daily prayers. He is just waiting for our signal to perform his work for us, that is the signal to tell him what you see and whether you are ready to receive it from him.

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us..." ~ Ephesians 3:20

So after our the message, Bro Darren guide us to pray to God for the word in our life as we lift our hands and spoke in toungues. Picturing the current situation in my life, the problems I had at work, abd with the desire to make a change, solve the problem and improve the situation, I started to ask God for the word to help me. I told God that I believe just one word from Him and it will make a lot of difference. For sometimes I know I am too blind to see clearly the way to exit from the mess I am in...

So as I keep praying, there was a strange feeling or instinct to urge me to open the bible. And at that same moment, Bro Darren was encouraging to flip the bible too if you believe God has spoken to you the word.

Yet because of my lack of confidence and confusion, I hesitated for quite a while and in my mind I keep thinking:

Is it just my own imagination or did God really ask me to flip the bible?

But which chapter and which verse? I don't know!

What if I open my bible and don't see the word the would enlighten me?

How would I feel then?

Disappointed that God did not speak to me?

Or believe there is nothing to be done?

Or think I am really not smart enough to understand what God wants to tell me? I think it is ridicule that I can think so many things just because of a word. But ya I could be of so little faith and low confidence back then. Yet, desiring to see the word I asked for, I remember I said to God "If this is really you telling me to flip the bible, let the first verse I see in it be the one you want to let me see."

So a little shaking, while many others are still praying in toungues around me, I turn around, picked up the bible from my chair, and randomly just open the bible. My finger and my eye landed on this verse in Proverbs 8:14-17:

"Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom;

I am understanding, I have strength.

By me kings reign, And rulers decree justice.

By me princes rule, and nobles,

All the judges of the earth.

I love those who love me,

And those who seek me diligently will find me."

You know when something addresses straight to the issue of the matter of your heart, you know it feels like your heartbeat has just stopped for a few seconds? That's exactly how I feel the moment I read this and understand what to do next. Everything flows perfectly, the relief, the knowledge, the feels as if the time has just stopped for my sake in my own world. My eyes were watery and tears just streamed down my cheeks. I don't what it is manz...tears of joy to see the word? Or tears of relief for I feel free? Or tears of gratitude that I know God hears my prayer and I feel him with me ever so strongly, comforting me...?

Well, I cannot explain that feeling, and I guess no one can understand or feel better just by reading what I just illustrated. You may say it is just a coincident. I don't disagree with you. For me, coincidents just happen to happen whenever I pray in strong faith. And we know, for all the Christians, that these are no coincidents but God's work and his answers to our prayers!

It is the encounter with God, the experience I have with the Holy Spirit that truly makes me stronger and edify me in my faith. He doesn't change my situation for me...he changes me to change my situation. :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

If you light a lamp for somebody . . . it will also brighten your path . . .

Special cg night @ Settlers Holland V

Sometimes I just want to question this: What is our priority in life?

Your character, your beliefs, your behaviour and many other factors are actually affected by the values you have in life and how you prioritise them.

When someone proclaims they put God first in their prioirty list, yet whenever there is cell group outings, but it happens to clash with the time your boyfriend/girlfriend is around or work event that is optional to go, you choose the other over cell group . . . well . . . is it really true that God is in your first priority?

Perhaps if for once or twice, you have no choice. But what if it is almost everytime? Oh well . . . I really don't understand it then . . .

Or ridiculously you just don't want to go for fellowship because you don't like it. Does it mean that everyone has to adjust to your own likings so you can join in the fellowship too? Once or twice perhaps it can be done, but what is the meaning of fellowship when you don't even want to make your first effort to change?

God, what can we do to encourage the people to join the cell group for fellowship? It is not an obligation for sure and we are no kids to be nag at. I just hope to see people being more responsible and united as a cell . . .

Well anyway, last Saturday I just started my first First Hand ministry training course at CDC. This lesson covers mainly the history to TTSH and CDC, and how this ministry comes about. The speaker has taught us a bit on how to response to people when they questioned us about joining this ministry and helping such patients too. It is important for us to know how to answer to them as this ministry is one that truly needs compassion for all people, especially to those that others may outcast them and believing that they deserve what they have done upon themselves.

What impact me the most from the lesson that day is the sharing from some of the volunteers. Albert, a professor from NUS, shared about how he come to discover that one of his relatives is a patient when he did his visitation back then. He fell into his own depression for the first time as he has to bear the struggle to not to tell any of his family members. Yet, as a Christian, he realise God has probably put him there to serve for over 7 years before this incident happens so that he is well prepared emotionally for such tragedy to come about.

When we learn about serving, we would always think of "giving". Yet, sometimes, when we be a blessing to others, we are actually more blessed than them. One of the volunteer shared that whenever one of her patients passed away, she would fold a star in memory of them. She still teared whenever she think about them but by doing so, she learned to grow stronger.

I don't know what this ministry will bring me to . . . but . . . I believe my path will be brighten up also when I can be a lamp for someone else. :)

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.

Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.

And we are never, ever the same."

Friday, May 16, 2008

Pls pray for the people in China & Myanmar!

If you have read the news, you would have heard about the cyclones in Myanmar and the earthquake in China Si Chuan Province which has already taken away more than 120,000 and 14,000 people respectively. It was a very grief news for anyone to hear about, and to see how these natural disasters have swept away the homes of thousands and killed the loved ones of many others.

Therefore, I urge anyone who read this entry to pray with me for these victims of such dreadful disasters. There are still many trapped in the ruins in Si Chuan and if the rescue teams were able to remove the ruins in time, there are still hopes for them to be saved! Same goes to Myanmar where it is heavily lacking in clean water and food and other necessities right now. More could be suffering from all sorts of diseases if there is still not enough clean water delivered to them.

They need our help and they need our prayers too! Pray for the victims as well as the rescue team so many could still be saved in time!

May God bless the people in China and Myanmar, and let us continue to fast and pray for these people!

"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
~ Matthew 18:19-20

Some links to the news:

Cyclone Nargis Hits Myanmar
Earthquake in Si Chuan

Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Rainy" Night!

KTV @ Rain, UE Square KTV is a stress reliever...feeling GOOD! :PGetting into the mood of singing!

Cheers to the babes in the house! Hehehe . . . love you girls! :D

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

3-Year Old Baby Beatles Show in Diaper!

Read about this article on a 3-years old Korean toddler who sings well with all the Beatles songs. And the cutest thing is that he was holding to the guitar and singing to the microphone his diapers! =D It was up on the papers because his video clips has attracted close to 5 million people for viewing worldwide.

Well, who knows one day he will be a pop sensation ya? =p

Youtube links:
[The original video that attracts everyone's attention to this cute boy! =p]
[This video features him when he was invited to perform at a local TV show. It's amazing how this toddler can recognise and name every one of the Beatles member by heart...and even their expressions as they]

Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children. ~William Makepeace Thackeray

"FAMILY" = Father And Mother I Love You!
Mother's Day has come and gone on last Sunday.
Nothing extravagant is done this year.
Just a nice dinner at a cozy restuarant at Holland Village.
What makes this Sunday more special is the presence of daddy with us.
With him, my family is complete.
My relationship with my mum has not always been smoothed.
Yet no matter how things get heated up between us,
I will still love you.
Forever and everyday be mother's day.
"What lies behind us,
and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson"

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Story to chase away the Monday blues

Read this news article from My Paper on Monday and it really touches me...enjoy! :)

US Soldier & Iraqi Dog Bond For Life
(My Paper, 5 May 2008)
[San Diego] They spent months in an Iraqi war zone, cementing a special bond.

Marine Major Brian Dennis and Nubs, the dog, were then separated, as the American soldier sent it over to San Diego in February, a month before his tour of duty ended.
But, even with the month apart, the dog appeared to have a long memory of his Iraqi pal, reported San Diego Union Tribune.

The two-year old dog, named for his two nubby ears, drenched Major Dennis' face with doggie kisses, as the duo were reunited at San Diego's Camp Pendelton in March.

Major Dennis, an F-18 pilot stationed at Miramar Marine Corp Air Station, was among about 150 Marines to return home after seven months in Iraq.
Nubs, a German sheperd/border collie mix, came to San Diego a month earlier after friends, family and strangers raised US$3,500 (S$4,773) for the dog's trip out of the border region between Iraq and Syria.
"It's almost like 'Lassie Come Home' in Iraq," said Major Dennis' mother, Marsha Cargo, who anxiously waited for the unit's arrival in the wee hours of the morning.

Major Dennis met Nubs in Al-Anbar province, where the dog ran wild at an Iraqi border fort. When Nubs was a puppy, an Iraqi sliced off most of his ears in an attempt to make the dog tough and more alert.
Hence, the name Nubs.
Another time, Nubs was stabbed with a screwdriver, and Major Dennis nursed him back to health.
When his unit, the Border Transition Team, moved camp 112km away, Nubs somehow tracked them to their new place two days later.
It was against the rules to keep the dog in camp, and friends jumped in to bring Nubs to San Diego.

"Once he found us there, it seemed like this was supposed to have happened," Major Dennis said.
"After he walked all that distance, it seemed like he was supposed to end up in San Diego."
For the past month, Eric Sjoberg, one of Major Dennis' Marine buddies, has been caring for Nubs along with his other dog, Bogey.
Nubs has also been learning new tricks and how to adjust in a different environment with some help from a dog trainer.

"After running two years out in the desert, he's got a personality on him," Mr Sjoberg said.
Major Dennis said his first outing with Nubs will be a jog on the beach.

"It will consumate the whole journey," he said, "going from the sand of Iraq to the sand of San Diego".

Gay Night! =p

The hilarious couple of all times! =D
Brothers, wherever you guys are, wherever you will see us in tears of

How to describe them: rabbit-toothed, retarded-looking....or just gay?! *bleah* =D Dennis seems to be fading with the background as the couple snatches the limelight...hahaha...lolEven in a "decent"-looking group photo . . . . . . no one can ever hide from the truth for too long! *muahahaha*

Remind me of the song titled Can I Have This Kiss Forever...hehe... =p

With Andy and Jason, you are sure to be laughing till stomach aching and tears flowing. Oh well, you can see how FUN you can be with them through all these photos too ya? *muahahaha*

The word "gay" has double meanings . . . and so is the title of this entry.

Do you know which GAY I am talking about? *wink* =p

Sunday, May 04, 2008

What to do until love finds you...

"What To Do Until Love Finds You" by Michelle McKinney Hammod is the book that I am currently reading. It is simply a book that is meant to prepare oneself in the search for The One God has planned in our lives, and make this time of waiting productive, joyful and exciting.

I like the way she shares her experiences and points of views very frankly and straight to the point. It reminds me of how impatient I would feel for the late arrival of the Mr Right and the temptation to enter pre-mature relationships. I believe and honestly don't want to be alone. I want to have a partner to share my life with and together we would find the joy in serving God and building a family that would glorify him. For this is my ultimate dream and desire in life too.

Honestly, I don't really like to do a book review here yet I hope to share how great this book can be for all single Christian women out there. I still remember that talk at night till 3am with some of my cell group members at Esplanade about getting into a relationship. After all, pastor is emphasizing on relationships this year and there are still so many singles in our

Okie just 1 passage...hope I have not breached the copyright rule ya? :P

"Restored to Love, Again

God does not want to keep making sweet potato pie out of our messy lives. Some might say, "Well, at least he was able to make pie out of it," but think how much sweeter the pie would be minus the sour ingredients of residual consequences. If marriage truly is your goal, start being honest with yourself today. Take a look at those repetitious patterns, figure out what your role is in making them happen, repent, and break out of it. Remember, the truth is what sets us free!

And don't give up on yourself. After all of Samson's mistakes he is still listed in the book of Hebrews' "hall of faith" with the mighty people of God. So don't allow the enemy to make you think your mistakes are unredeemable and that you've missed your opportunities. God knew when you would finally get it, and He saved that special man for such a time as this. No time has been wasted in God's perfect design for your life -- He simply allowed you to kill a couple of Philistines along the way.

Fortunately, you can be wiser than Samson and not end up annihilating yourself in the temple of repeated mistakes. You can say:

I am free
free to love as never before
throwing open windows and doors
rejoicing in my wholeness
I see clearly as I run with purpose
choosing the right road
no longer stumbling over my own neediness

I move
even paced
head high shoulders back
heart firmly in place
making choices with my head
not from my heart
ignoring the demands of the flesh
I stretch my spirit and respond to God's voice
running eagerly towards his instruction
caught up in His potent promises
I am bound to Him
a willing love slave
yet freer than I've ever been
finding the lost pieces of myself
I foolishly gave to others
casting pearls before the swine
once weeping
over the trampled pieces of my heart
I am now restored to give again
to one more deserving . . .

I discover I am lost in Him
only to be found in the truth
stronger than ever
ready to love better
because now I have more to give
and I will give
and only at His leading
and in that understanding
I rest
I fly
I am free!"

Formula Drift (27.04.2008)

Formula Drift 2008 @ Changi Exhibition Centre There is stimulated driving games for the kids as well as mini motor car racing course for car lovers who would love to take a rest after watching the formula drift race.

The whole point of coming here is simply just to watch the formula drivers race with each other side by side, and how they will drift their cars at those bends and curves in the race course. The organisation has invited drivers from all over the world so it is sort of a friendly international match for them too before the big F1 match at the later part of the year.

As for us who would find the F1 race tickets too expensive, this show will just satify us for the cravings to see how they race, to hear the screeching of the tires, and to marvel at their drifting skills like what you see in the movie The Fast & the Furious: Tokyo Drift...woohoo! :D

A sneak preview for you guys! *wink*There is also a small racing car exhibition in one of the tents for those who want to take a closer look at the racing cars...and some of these have actually won a few races in the past too... :) The poshest car over there.... ...and the cutest car I have ever seen -- MASHIMARO! :p
I love cars...and particularly to watch precision driving shows or car racing.
Glad I was able to come even though the sun and the weather is killing me. Mum has been complaining about the scorching sun right from the start as we entered the exhibition centre. Oh wells...too bad I can't get the grandstand tickets...sigh...
Somehow I am looking forward to the September F1 Formula. I can't wait to watch it live on TV that