This is the ferry that brought us to Calais, France from UK! (And as you all can see, it was a rainy day! :l)
Actually, to name this boat as "ferry" is not very appropriate coz on board, there are more than two cafes and restaurants, one big foodcourt, one arcade, one bar, and a pretty big DFS shop! Can't tell from this picture right? :P

Welcome to the streets of PARIS! :D
Overall, the buildings are really old and somehow it seems a little gloomy. My friend told me that this is what the French are proud of -- their rich historical culture. Well, they ARE manificient to me when you take a closer look and think back how amazing those people in the past can build such nice buildings! :)
Our coach also passed by this band who are hired to play in front of a cafe (top right corner)...really cool ya? *wink* :D Yet, I would say I was little disappointed with their Metro as it is as old as those in London...some doors you even need to give it a push to open them as they got stuck easily...oh well... :X
Wanna guess what this is? :P
It's actually a public paying TOILET (Euro 50 cent per entry)!!! Here's a little note to take if you intend to use this toilet:
DON'T use it more than 15 mins as the door will automatically open itself after 15 mins!!!
This is in order to prevent the homeless to make use of the toilet as their homes. Plus you need to prepare a Euro 50 cent coin to slot into the door to open it. Well, I haven't tried using it yet...and I don't really intend to use it either coz I am afraid I might take longer than 15 mins...oh no... :o
Our coach finally brought us to our first destination of the trip -- Notre Dame Cathedral!!! :D

Notre Dame Cathedral is the first church I visited in Europe and hence it looked really grand to me. There are statues everywhere and the interior design is marvellous!
Like the picture above shows a stretch of figurines on the wall which actually described a passage or an event that is written in the bible (I cannot recall where exactly in the bible it refers to...). I mean, this is how the people in the past tried to tell others of what they believe in the forms of statues, paintings etc. It is a wonder why most of asia churches don't have them...

There is also models that show the construction process of Notre Dame (top left) and the cathedral structure in the present (top right and bottom left), as compared to the actual building (bottom right).
Another thing to take note is that Notre Dame is well-known for its rose windows! They are beautifully painted glass panes on the sides of the catherdal...aren't they look pretty? :)
Wishing candles! :D
What you need to do is to give an offering (proportionate to the number of candles you are getting), light the candle, put them on the stands provided, and make a wish!
More about Notre Dame de Paris:
This bookstore, Shakespear and Company, is well-known according my friend in France. It was featured in the movie, Before Sunset as well. The bookstore is really cozy and neat and fortunately, it specialises in English literature.
The day I went there it was closed early for a session of story telling. Though I did not attend the story telling session, I took a peep at it and they are all adults! Hmm...who says story telling is only meant for kids? :P
More about the bookstore:
Finally meeting up with France! :D
She is currently doing a year of exchange in good! She used to be my closest friend in class as we are the only two DHS girls in VJC (which is rare as our JC is simply flooded with Dunmanians). I am just so glad to be seeing her there! *grinz*
Yeejia & her bf who is interning in France for 6 months as well...just to accompany her there! sweet right? :P

French cuisine! :D
I am just so glad to be eating escargots in France at last! *yum yum* The duck breast (bottom left) and the upside-down apple tart (bottom right) taste great too! :)
The ambience of the restaurants there are really romantic. And they really take their time to serve you as it is a culture for them to only bring in the next course after you have finished the previous one and they had cleared your table. So...maybe expect 1 to 2 hours of dinning? is really enjoyable though...only IF you are not rushing off somewhere else... :P
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