Thursday, June 28, 2007

Blog! :D

Dear all,

I haven't been blogging for a very very long time ever since I moved out of hall because of many many reasons:

1) I was not in Singapore and it was hard to blog as internet was not always available.
2) I was travelling around Europe for the whole of 5 weeks.
3) I just subscribed to internet (and SCV because of free 19" LCD TV! *kaisu* :P) this Monday only.
4) I was busy catching up with friends ever since I returned from my holiday.
5) I need to unpack and tidy up my house before I start work next Monday... :P is basically getting boring without internet and blogging! :D

BUT anyway...I am gonna start work real soon...just went out with my hall friends yesterday and I realise how much we have grown in the past 3 years. Instead of talking about study like we used to, we are all (except me) well dressed up in business suits and the topic on "banks", "finance", "accounts", "work" never seem to take off from our mouth...

Welcome to the workforce!

Christine ^_^

PS: I can't wait to blog about my 36 days Europe stay tuned! :P

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