Isaiah 41:10
Mark 4:35-41
- Fear is in our spirits.
- There is an influence/atmosphere/culture of fear.
- We need to tackle and analyse our fear.
Genesis 3:6-13
- As a result of first rebellion, fear comes into Adam and Eve.
- They feel ashame and scare because they ate the fruit they are commanded not to.
Romans 12:1-8
- Do not be conformed by the spirits of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of our mind.
"FAITH is the expectancy of something good, while FEAR is the lack of faith."
We fear because we are selfish.
- Love is defined as "unselfishness".
- Christianity is about God.
- Devil will pervert every gift you had and fear is just the door to it.
We may also based ourselves on what we can do and trying hard to prove ourselves that we are better than others.
- Because of this mindset, you will live your life with ups and downs.
- Your faith could be taken away because you based your belief in what man thinks!
Rebellion is pointing out the weaknesses in others and trying to make yourself look better than them.
Miracle of Jesus Walking On The Water (24/02/2008)
Matthew 14:22-33
- Walking on water is a supernatural act.
- So is the ministry of Jesus to do with supernatural.
- In this miracle, God supernaturally cures the fear inside Peter and his disciples who sit in the boat in panic.
"If we do not walk by faith, fear will become one motivation that will hinder us in our lives."
As Jesus walks on the water, he walks past the boat and goes on.
- We are to be his followers and follow him but not the other way for Jesus to follow us.
- It is not possible for us to receive the Holy Spirit while we are sitting still on the boat.
We cannot mix fear and faith too, just like water and oil.
- It will eventually hinder you with uncertainty.
- You will never go out of your comfort zone.
- You need a specific word from Jesus in order to jump out of the boat to walk with him.
- If Peter just jump out of the boat without asking Jesus, he could have gotten himself drowned.
Only 1 out of the 12 disciples jump out of the boat.
- It tells us that not all of us are keen of the supernatural side of God.
When you leap out in faith and expect circumstances to change...well, they don't change immediately.
- Jesus is not interested in changing the circumstances.
- He is interested in changing YOU!
So what it means by walking on the water?
- Do nothing and simply trust in God in all situations and circumstances!
- The temptation to stay in the boat is no condition or criteria for a future leader!
- To let go of our fear.
- Be prepared if the Lord speaks to us as there will be fear, but you will have to trust in Him so the fear will not come.
"When fear is out of my life, there will be no limitations!"
Fear of judgement.
- It happens when you thought you dare and yet in the end you are not.
"Truth will come in a pathetic voice that you either accept it or kill it."
Hebrews 2:14-15
- Jesus come to set us free from the bondage of the fear of death.
Peter becomes the leader in the future because Jesus has set him free of his fear.
Can you imagine the joy of Peter walking hand in hand with Jesus back to the boat?
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