From left to right: Me, Chau, Xue Fang, Flo, and Bao.

It is always wonderful to spend time with great friends around. If you asked me which day I love the best through my week, I will not hesitate to reply you: "It's Saturday!" Why?
Besides it is a day without having to go to work (well...that's not entirely true for me for these few weeks...), it is the day to go for service and to hear pastor's message for us from the Word of God! I am enjoying every bits of the sermon because they truly impact our lives and change it for the better if you use it and apply it. It feels good when you know you have found your meaning to the things you do, not for yourself but for something or someone even much great than you. I agree with Albert Einstein with what he once said: "A life lived for others is a life lived worthwhile." Do you agree? =)
Another great thing to happen on a Saturday night is to hang out with my church friends and to go out together for a dinner, and just fellowship around, sharing what had happened over the week, what we planned to do, and maybe just what's going on around us. It is the little chit-chats that help me to wonder outside my own realm of stressful thoughts about work, about relationships, and go out to take a peek at other's people lives, rejoicing about the good news that had happened to them, learning to feel and empathized for what is not appearing to be as great for the moment, or simply cracking up at some lame jokes and just laze around. Friends are Godsend angels...I have no doubt about *smile*
My favourite quote from The Leap Years:
"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous."
Albert Einstein is really one of the smartest guy ever to be seen on the earth. =)
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