Thursday, July 10, 2008

Taiwan Youth Camp 2008

My cell members, Tina & Andy, and our cell group leader Bro Darren [far left]!
[More photos coming up in the next entries when I have consolidated the rest. =P]
My FIRST mission trip to help out at the Taiwan Youth Camp 2008 is finally over! Serving God in this camp for the past 10 days was truly an amazing experience for me. I love serving Him...and I love coming to this camp to see how God works in the hearts of the Taiwanese youth there.
Throughout the camp I have many encounters with God as I was serving in the camp. Most of us played many roles there as pastor wants the Singapore team to overlook the whole camp. I have served as an usher, security (catcher), counsellor, station master, preparing food etc. Pastor Kong was the preacher for both camps that I went to and every session there makes me feel like I am back on the weekend services at expo! The presence of God is strongly felt in the hall and everyone was in joy and on fire for God's words and during P&W. I just love and enjoy being there...feels like a sponge absorbing God's presence and soaking in presence of the Holy Spirit.
There were many deliverance and laying of hands during the first 3 sessions. I had no experience of ministering to others before...not to mention on how to counsel or what to do during the deliverance meeting. In fact, I was the one being ministered by others most of the times. Well, those who came for this camp would have missed the Mike Connell deliverance session that weekend at Expo. So somehow, we got to see the deliverance session done on these youths in Taiwan by pastor Kong! It was just amazing!
For Taiwanese, unlike in CHC, there is a rule that brothers will catch brothers and sisters will catch sisters. So for the Singaporean sisters, we learnt how to catch the falling sisters during the deliverance sessions. Well, I won't say we catch well but most of us manage the skills pretty fast enough. And truly by faith, I went to help out as the catcher and also counsellor for the sisters there.
Honestly, I didn't know I need to pray for the sister even after I caught her and lay her on the floor. Not until I saw many others counsellors and sisters doing so. So likewise, by faith, I pray in the spirits as I look around for anyone that I need to pray for.
My eyes caught a girl standing and crying right behind the row of sisters and brothers who were lying down on the floor. I asked her if she need to go forward to be prayed by pastor and she told she already had. I was about to leave her there when I felt very strongly that the holy spirit was telling me to pray for her. So without knowing what to pray for, I had my arms around her shoulder and one hand on her forehead and started to pray in toungues. After 5 minutes or so, she manifested and collapsed on the floor. Well, this actually taken me aback for a while as I didn't expect it could have happen for I was just praying in toungues for her. Yet, it was very obvious for me that God is indeed using me right now to pray for this sister. So I carry on with my praying in the spirits and eventually it became more clearer to me how I should continue to pray for her to get the spirit out of her.
When I finally finished praying for her, I will never forget that expression she had on her face as she opened her eyes. Let just know how the author like to draw those happy faces in the comic? The ones in which the eyes are huge and sparkling, and their mouth would break immediately into a big wide grin? She has exactly of that happy smiling face even though there is still tears in her eyes at that time!
The girl, shorter than me, got up and almost jumped onto me and gave me a tight, squeezing hug! Gosh I tell you I almost wanna cry in joy with her at that moment too. It is obvious that no one else but the presence of God could have touched her heart so strongly at that moment and insert a new joy into her life! I truly thank God for using me that night because it felt so good to be God's servant! In fact, when Bro Darren brief us about how to minister to the others and what to do as we pray for and lay hands on them in Camp 2, I actually did the 'process' correctly even before I was taught on how to do so! =) It was then I am even so much more assured that God was using me and giving me that wisdom to do so. And I just feel so happy! =D The experience edified me and increased my confident and trust in God as I no longer fear to go forward to minister to others in the other two sessions, thinking that I might not be good enough to be used by God.
From the Taiwan youth, I was pretty much affected by their love and joy for God, their hunger for God's words. They also love our Pastor Kong very much and he gained much of their respect. And this brought me to realise how lucky I am to be in CHC that I get to listen to pastor Kong preaching ever so often! =D
From them, I also learn to be more open up to express my joy for God. You know when you bring out that joy you have for God, it actually affect the people around you as well and if they are as happy as you are in God's presence, they will also learn to express that joy out and this joy can even felt much stronger by doing so! =D During the first camp P&W session, everyone in the hall is like jumping and waving and praising God so joyfully. I can't help but to join them too and I feel so much more alive! God is wonderful and God is great! =DD
This mission trip truly recharges me and has given me an experience that I will never forget. It brought me another level closer to God and deepens my desire to continue to serve Him even more as the encounters with Him are just so wonderful and I wish I could have more and dwell in them much longer! =D
It just touched me to see how God is working in the hearts of the youth in Taiwan by using Pastor Kong and CHC over there. It will be such an amazing thing to see the new generation of Taiwanese youth raising up and bring forth a revival in every parts of Taiwan in the future! =D
I wish I can go there to serve in the camp again next year.
I want to go for more and more mission trips.
I want much much more God's presence in my life.
Here's the Chinese version of Hati Hambar (Servant's Heart) by Sari Simorang. The song was sang again and again in Chinese throughout the camp. I just love this song so so much...the lyrics is certainly my cry for God right now...主你的爱何等伟大让我的心完全融化...
PS: Who knows of the Chinese praise and worship songs sang in the camp? I don't know the title of the songs but part of the two songs I am looking for are:
(1) “。。。I will fly high 尽情地遨翔...有你同在 我不会困倦。。。” &
(2) “。。。主每当我软弱无力 你的恩典够我用 只要我能够相信 奇迹必会降临。。。”
Pls let me know the lyrics or where I can get them ya? Million thanks! =D


Anonymous said...

the title of the 2nd song is MUJIZAT ITU NYATA.. but tts the indo title.. not sure abt the chinese title though.. =)

Anonymous said...

我很开心可以参加2008Youth camp
Thank you very much =)

27hcram said...

Lyrics are posted in the later entry. We have a great time serving you all too...thanks for your hospitality. =)