Before I come to take this course I believe I never really take into consideration so much on the earth's extinction. But as you take this course, you have a better understanding of the stars and the universe, and everything in the video starts to make sense to us...kinda scary isn't it? And then you will think about what happen to you, what would you want to do on the last day on earth...haha...kinda like the movies "Deep Impact" right? :P But then sometimes, maybe because I have my religion, all these don't sounds scary to me or probably even to be leave me puzzling over certain issues.
Like on my course notes, I remember they told us that human beings are formed by the atoms of stars, just like the way the planets are formed. But even if that is so, we would probably some rock statues that stood on the crust of the earth...haha...sounds kinda interesting...lol In the bible, it has said that God made Adam out of the dust on the earth and He gives him life. Even if we are formed by the atoms, where would our souls, our spirits come from to make us move, make us have feelings and emotions, and the wisdom and knowledge to understand the world in which we live in? I doubt there are such powerful atoms that give us life ba...lol
About the earth coming to extinction and human beings being wipe out by any asteroids or comets that will hit us anytime soon, I do believe this theory. True, the universe is never a safe place for the planets as you can see the numerous craters on the moon that is visible to us. These craters are formed when an asteroid or a comet hits on it. But to me, I am looking at it more as the judgement day that God has told us in the bible where everyone of us will come before Him and be judged for all the things that we did. So if we were like the dinosaurs, that will be the day that He will come.
In fact, in the video they say that our earth is pretty lucky for over the million of years we are safe from any collision with the stars and the rocks in the universe. This partly due to the presence of Jupiter which has high gravity pull that many of the rocks and stars that come close to us went to hit on Jupiter instead. To me, I thank God for putting Jupiter close to our earth to protect us from all these harms. And I thank God that over so many many years that nothing hit on us or even come close to destroy or affect us. Luck? I think it's more of God's blessings ba...lol
Haha...but I agree with my friend that astronomy is not a easy course, and for christians, it is more like a course that people will come and question us about our faith because so many things are unexplanable in the universe. Only God will know the answers. Haha...but I am glad to take this course still as I am thankful that God has given me this chance to live and to witness the beauty of the earth and the wonders of His works...even if it meant the quiz is gonna kill me in the end...haha...lol
"Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of faith is to see what we believe in."
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