Finally I get to help out for SPCA as they were having a booth at the Shaw House for these 3 days selling SPCA merchandises to help raise funds for the animals. It was really great to see the crowd that always appear at the booth, looking and picking up the things they want to help out. Most of the people came and when they found nothing they really want to buy, they would generously give donations. Haha...it's really heart-warming to know that there are many Singaporeans who cares for the animals and support the SPCA. :) I know some of those who came even told us that they have like 18 cats at home! Wow...the cats will be blessed to stay in her home lo...lol I also had a great time talking to my volunteer representative. She told me she is currently taking one year break from her work (in which she works as an office manager last time) and just to devote herself in doing voluteering work now. Wow...a good example for all the woman and the working class to follow ya? ;) Always remember to take a rest after all the hectic life and continue later on.
In fact, earlier on I really want to go to study at the SOT to further my knowledge about His words in the near future. But when I know that it is a full-time course, somehow I was a bit disheartened as I know my parents need me and I got to work after I graduate. But then now, I think I probably can work for like 3 years, get my CPA and I will take a year break to join the SOT ba...haha...that should be my goal for the near future in a few years' time. :)
As for graduation, I am still thinking if I should join my friends for the trip as I know I will most probably be the only girl among them unless I join another group of friends. Haha...but now I was thinking of something better...how about going on mission trips? :) This thought actually occurs to me quite some time but I keep thinking I probably not knowledgeable enough to join the missions teams to go out to other countries to preach to the people there yet. Or I have that mindset that I probably of not much help either. But if I am given one year time or eight months to be exact, I think I should grow much and know so much more about Him that I'll have the confidence to reach out to the others ba. So I should just keep my hunger for His words going, and whether or not that I can make it for any of the mission trip, I would have grow so much stronger by next year ya? ;) Haha...yeah! lol
By the way, I learn something from the bible again. In Matthew 15:11, "What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean', but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean'." The Pharisees criticized that Jesus's disciples never washed their hands before they eat and Jesus replied them that they broke the command of God by nullifying His words for the sake of their tradition. True enough, what goes into our mouth will go into the stomach and then out of the body. But what comes out of our mouth is what comes from our hearts. If you speaks vulgar languages, you are certainly not a well-mannered person. If you speaks of those evil thoughts, murder, slander, your heart is evil. If you give false testimonies and tell lies, you are a dishonest person and a liar.
The world changes you on the outside, but God works in you through your heart. People can tell if you had God in your life by the way you behave and the way you response through your mouth. Even if you are well-dressed and probably live in a grand place, you speaks with anger, your words hurt everyone around you, do you think there will be people who want to come close to you? If they ever do, they are only eyeing on your houes and your valuables and once you walk out of your house, you are probably left alone by yourself. So let God renew your heart and renew your mind and everything will come to you under His plan.
Yup yup...looking forward to the overnight prayer meeting later...my first time being there! lol God will be there listening to our prayers 24/7...He will never miss a word you says. So many things to pray for...haha...God is just great...lol
"Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." - Matthew 15:13-14
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