After today, for the time being, I can finally get to focus on my astronomy course quiz which is on Wednesday. I had quite a tough weekend this week, juggling with an assignment that I only know it is due like a few hours later, a presentation today and 2 weekly projects down...YIPPEE! :D Haha...finally a small break for myself before I get to walk a longer route down...tired & exhausted...lol
Yesterday was still another favourtie day of the week, attending the service, prayer meeting and fellowship...haha...my Sabbath day?! :P Yesterday was another powerful service in which pastor Kong preached to us about anger management in marriages and relationships. I realised that lately most of the marriage seminars are getting general, as in their focus are not only on marriages but also the relationship that you are in with the other people. Like on Saturday the seminar was on communications. He tells us what are the reasons that cause a person to be angry, and how we respond to our anger.
There are mainly 4 ways we respond to anger: Suppression, Repression, Expression and Confession. Out of this four, only the last response we should adopt to it for if we confess our anger just a second late, there is one more second for the devil to have his chance to manifest this anger in us and eventually lead us to lose our self-control and sin against the others. We also learn how in the bible we are taught to deal with our anger and also practical ways that we can deal with it. For example, we should identify our emotions at that time by asking ourselves: "What am I feeling right now?" And when you confess to your partner you are angry, use the "I" statements like "I am hurt by your words" to express your anger to the other person in a way that they can take it to their hearts and understand how you feel so they can make the right response to you as well. Haha...this is just a great lesson to be learned ya? :)
Feel kinda happy now coz everything seems to be running back into places after Sunday. I was feeling moody all along without much reasons...haha...maybe I'm experiencing PMS? :P Haha...but anyway, once I was back in the Expo Hall 8, singing praises to God and taking in His words through the mouth of Pastor Kong, I found my peace once again. Even reading the bible on my own is not as effective (probably only when I do a good quiet time in my room will make me feel the same way...lol) as being there at church. The presence of God is really felt strongly and the Holy Spirit will fill me up as all I had in my mind then is to worhsip Him, thanking Him for everything that is in my life and glorifying Him to be such a great Father. Ever since I come back to church, the feeling of being away from God is kinda scary. That period of time I was not myself, doing things I don't know why I would choose to do, denying Him when all He wants to do is to love me. You have no sense of direction, no true meaning in your life. But thank God I never stray too far that I couldn't find Him anymore...or at least my sheperd had found me and taken me back to home. "Home sweet home" is truly the words to describe my feelings then.
"Thank you Father for everything and your plan for me. Even in the times of downturn and sufferings in my life, you show me your love and care, and to build me to become a stronger person than before. Faith and patience is not easy things to hold on to but with your guidance, I will make sure I will hold on to the end because you are worth everything. Amen."
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