You know why believers need to go to church regularly?
1. We need to renew our minds daily with His words so we will be a strong person fulfilling His will.
2. God speaks to us in many ways and the message speaks to us during service can be just the word of affirmation that we need at that point of time.
And I believe God always speak to me, giving me a vision during the church services.
I WAS discouraged and depressed over things that I know I have to deal with in my life, things that are inevitable yet I believe these are all God's plan for me to build my character. But today, Pastor Kong was preaching about God's purpose for the building fund that our church needs now and he share with us how God speaks to him upon the decision to have found City Harvest in 1989 and also to look for our promised land to build the new stadium church.
He told us that soul-winning should be the primary purpose for all believers while the rest of the ministries are secondary -- one should achieve one's primary goal before reaching for the secondary, just like you got to learn to walk before you can learn to run. There are many voices within us: Voices of Criticism, Voices of Doubt, Voices of Selfishness, Voices of Limitations, and Voices of Faith. And so often we are distracted by the first 4 voices that we should not have listened, but only to listen to the voices of Faith from God.
Remember that Jesus said before that with God all things are possible? In Luke 5:5, Simon Peter was discouraged after he casted the net out to sea through the night. But because he listen to what Jesus told him to do so and he believes in him, he never give up and in the end he caught such a large number of fish that the net even starts to break!
Or let us look at our well-known inventor of our phone Alexandra Bell Graham versus another genius scientist Elisha Gray...how many of you have heard of Elisha Gray? Do you know that Elisha Gray was the one who discovered the technology of phone much earlier than Alexandra does? But why is it then that not many people know or even heard about him?! That's because Elisha chose to give up while Alexandra, the late comer, persisted in his research. And just for a crucial time of 30 minutes, Alexandra applied for the patent for the discovery of phone for just 30 minutes earlier than Elisha, giving him the honour of being the famous scientist that people come to know of till this day.
God does not give us our victory without a struggle. His words are often risky; they may risk your relationship with your family and with your peers. But when you have decided to put yourself in places of high risk, in places of no return, that is the time that you actually will put in ALL of you to achieve the greatest success ever -- you are simply fighting for your own survival. So take God's words and take that risk!
Like pastor keep emphasizing today: You CAN get dissatisfy but NEVER to be discouraged. Discouragement is a bad thing to have because it pushes you to the point of giving up. Dissatisfaction is God's stirring up of your heart to let you know that there are greater things install for you...
So like Simon Peter, can you let Jesus Christ step into your boat?
"Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.' When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break." ~ Luke 5:5-6
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