Thank God for I have a job! :D I have finally accepted the job offer from FKT Grant Thornton today. Actually I hesitated at first as I still wish to go and give it a try at the Big 4 again. But after praying again, I had a very strong feeling that God wants me to be at FKT. Since I have made my choice now, I should never look back but to look forward to what is waiting for me at the other end of the road. Thank God! :) My life is pretty settled now. Nothing much to worry about except to continue to finish my studies with good grades. Hahaha...lol *bleah*
I guess I am pretty easily satisfied now compared to the past when I strived to be perfect in everything in my life. Guess I am starting to grow tired easily in one way or another. Many things to think and consider before making any decision. But all I want is just to live a simple but happy life. I have a job offer, going to see my parents and my relatives soon, and I have two celebrations at my house for the next two days. What's more do I want? :D Hahaha...lol Sometimes being stable is pretty peaceful too...don't you think so? :P
I hope I am not growing complacent no though. Like my parents want to see me with a great boyfriend, I believe that God will tell me when the time comes to enter a relationship that will glorify Him and pleasing in His eyes. So the fact is either I am too calm and patient, or there is pretty nothing much for me to worry about but to be happy for what is in my life right now. So YES I am happy with my life at this moment! :D Hahaha...lol Praise the Lord! *muackz*
Right now I pray that I won't fall sick again. Caught a cold yesterday as I had no blanket to sleep with. I dumped it in the laundry basket to be washed and yet unfornately for the last two days it was raining non-stop. Super cold weather. I seemed like I am in a sickness that never come to heal completely! And guess it will be another sleepless nigts for the next two days with my friends around. Hahaha...so guys pls try to keep me entertain so I can stay awake. :P Hahaha...lol
Looking forward to the end of this week. Will be super tired but I believe all the effort is worthwhile. :) Hope all these gatherings will bring my friends closer together too in the midst of our busy schedules. Love you all and hope everyone will have a wonderful time in this joyful Xmas season! *wink* ;)
"Love is actually all around! :D"
Congratulations on your job Christine. That's great news. When do you start? Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy being with your family in Hong Kong. Our daughter Jocelyn arrives from Japan on Friday 22/12 and I'm very excited.
Goodnight, daughter of the King,
With love, Gaynor xx
My job will only start next year in June but I will be signing the contract in Jan. Yeah I am glad to be going back to reunion with my parents. Best xmas gift ever! :) Hope you enjoy your time with your daughter as well. May God bless you a wonderful Christmas and the best year yet in 2007!
Love, Christine ^_^
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