Sunday, December 17, 2006

SOT Graduation 2006

SOT Graduation 2006... ...Congratulations, Jason! :DE266 supporters......we are all happy for him! :)Deanna and IHave a little chit-chat on our way for lunch. :)Looks like one of the photos back in 1970s... :PJoanne and I 自恋照! :P

Enjoying our 美芝律 big prawn noodle at last! :D

Today's service highlight is the graduation ceremony of the SOT class 2006. Jason was also graduating from SOT today. The ceremony is simply great and as I was watching it, I really wish that one day I would be among these graduates too, with a certificate that is much more meaningful to me than many others as I know I would be another step closer to God then. :)

Pastor's message for today is about what can a person do for God: 1) We can pray; and 2) We set goals. However, setting goals has to be SMARTER than many other things -- Be Specific, Measurable, equipped with an Action plan which is Realistic and Time-conscious, and to have Expectation management skill and Revelations from God as well.

I believe what pastor told us today is very useful for our life: Strength is the capacity to handle failures. We don't succeed everytime on the things we strive or dream for, like those who are prosecuted for carrying out God's work and still not make the achievements they look up to. There is no guarantee for what we believe in. So why do we still follow?!

Well, simply because we need to try. If you don't try, how would you know if your dream can come true? Failures are part and parcels to our success and even the Chinese loves to say that “成功乃失败之母”.

It is our FAITH that we commit ourselves to God and not the result. If we can't accept failures, we are actually having a typical Singaporean mentality -- the "kiasu" mindset -- which indicates that our faith is built upon our blessings and take God as our sugar daddy. This is a very wrong attitude to have!

Faith is the capacity to take risks. We have to understand that failure is always a possibility that is present and it is inevitable. Yet, we should choose to take this risk to fail and fall into God's arms while we chased after our dreams rather than to withdraw ourselves from reaching for our dreams. Because if we choose to withdraw, our dreams will certainly never be able to fulfill. :)

The day end off with a nice lunch at a prawn noodle stall at Katong area and some window shopping. I finally get hold of the wishlist for the person I need to bless on. Hahaha...just wondering if I should do a little bit more than the item he wishes for. :P And thank God I got my study bible at last! :D It costs me a bomb but I believe it should be able to satisfy my hunger for His words and the many questions that I have in my bible reading for the time

"But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up. ~ Daniel 3:18"

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