This is regarding to what I say in the previous entry that seem to capture quite a lot of attention. And sorry if I have made some of you worry for me. :P Well, I am really just curious to know more about everything sometimes, because it actually leads to me think much more and beyond what I see and also to know what others see. It helps me to understand the world and the people around me, how different each of us can become as well. Certain findings, like the beliefs that Jehovah's Witnesses held, really seem interesting to me, especially when we read off from the same bible yet how different people can come to conclude and think and believe in what they see. So thank God for internet and the many other easily available resources that help to increase our knowledge and not just to accept the things as they were but to understand and appreciate what He has given to us. :)
[Disclaimer: What I wrote here is my own personal views and have no intention to criticize or offend anyone or anything. Everyone differs in their own thinking, beliefs and values. You need not have to agree with what I say.]
After knowing about JW and reading up on info about them and the bible verses as stated by them, I realise that there are verses in there stating such law on blood, especially in Leviticus Chapter 17. Yet what I notice here is mostly back in the Old Testaments where by people still need to make sacrifices since Jesus has not come yet during that time. This is something that need to take notice on because the ethics and beliefs they had back then would differ greatly from that of present times.
What really capture my attention on the JW website is a statement that says this:
"God's people refused to sustain their lives with blood, not because doing that was unhealthy, but because it was unholy, not because blood was polluted, but because it was precious."
And what they believe is that (quoted from the same webpage) "The evidence shows that people who disregard God's law on blood often experience immediate or delayed harm; some even die from the blood. Those who survive have not gained endless life. So blood transfusions do not save lives permanently."
This is pretty rebuttable and I guess that is some reason why JW is present because some people do hold on to such beliefs. Well, for me, I see it in another way.
If what they see blood as being so precious, isn't it meant to be something really good? Then if it is something good, why don't you want to share it out...especially to the people you love? I have to admit that it sounds a little selfish to me. And most important thing is that if our blood is precious, then Jesus' blood is even so much more precious than ours! Yet he has shed his blood for us, to save not one but ALL of us here. If bible is to teach us to become like Jesus, aren't we suppose to focus more on saving lives, even if it requires our blood? What's more important to you then: saving lives or keeping your precious?
Like I say again, different people will hold different values and hence different stand in this. So don't doubt me on this... :P
They have also quoted this: "God and men view things in very different lights. What appears important in our eye is very often of no account in the estimation of infinite wisdom; and what appears trifling to us is often of very great importance with God. It was so from the beginning."—An Enquiry Into the Lawfulness of Eating Blood, Alexander Pirie, 1787. Well, I agree to a certain really sets me thinking. But I guess this is a statement made from men isn't it? So there is a limit as how true it can be, no matter how wise this man is, he is not no one really know how God view things then...hmm... :l
Well, I believe different decisions are made depending on the different situations then. Remember what Jesus said on Sabbath when he healed the man with the shriveled hand (Matt 12:9-13; Mark 3:1-4)? He said (v.4) "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?" And remember what Jesus says about clean and unclean (Matt 15:1-20; Mark 7)? From Matt 15:10, "Listen and understand. What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean', but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean'." Well, think about these two verses and try to understand...
I can only say that the evidence in such a situation is pretty much judgemental. There could be many other reasons involved. And of course you can always tell me what I believe in and the evidence shown is the same as well. So such things is really depend on ourselves whether we choose to acknowledge it as a truth to us.
But what I am mainly trying to say here is that we should NOT see thing only on one side of it -- see it in an overall view. When you only focus on certain areas of it and ignoring or not opening up to other views about it, we can actually become very objective to what we see. "The veil that covers our eyes shall only be lifted up by the hands that weaved it." Think again about this quote here...
To me, what's more important is that even if we are not the same in our way of worship or of our doctrines, I still don't think we should be against or reject one another. More in a way, we probably should see and learn about the difference inone another. After all, we serve the same God...are we? :) It feels funny when we are like a body, yet opposing from one another. Just imagine your hands and legs start to disagree with one another and starting fighting...manz that will make you look quite ridiculous isn't it? Hahaha...and THAT would be quite an ugly scene to look at too...hahaha juz
And I agree, from Brian's blog, that it is all about us trying to do so from a million different directions to different ends, and that indeed if there is a reconciliation for all the different denominations to come under as one, it would certainly make us a whole lot easier to help the world and to come with a much stronger identity. Instead of thinking about how different we are, we should start thinking about how similar we are, because it is the same God and the same bible we have with us.
Yet as the real world shows, things are just always not that ideal. Hence, this is why we need to continue to learn, to know what we can do, to see for ourselves what is right for us there and not just let others lead us to believe into something that you don't even have a clue or right feeling about it. It is, probably, all about your own decision making.
Well, I guess I have made mine! :)
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. ~ Albert Einstein"
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I think it's good that you're interested in another denomination, but i guess it's safer if you do not blog about them like this..kinda dangerous..
Like telling Catholics that the Eucharist is silly, or telling Taoists that there are no reincarnation and Buddhist that their gods are demonic.
Hahaha YES I think I only realise this after getting those reactions! Well, juz trying to clarify some things here and absolutely NOT trying to judge any religions I hope...pray that no one see it in another dimmer light ba...sorry bout it... :XX
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