How BLUR can a person gets these days?! :O I thought today was another great day for me, meeting up with my teammates in the morning to discuss about our project proposal, then return to my room to file my notes, do some tutorials, and then do some bible study and read up on my textbooks in my cosy little corner. But I really scared myself at the end of the day.
As I had made some study today, I decided to get out of my room for a while and head to the campus mini-mart to buy some groceries. But then I don't seem to enjoy eating a lot lately so I only go out to buy my dinner and I decided to return to my room to take a rest instead. Just as I wanted to open the door, I couldn't find my keys! I can't recall where I lost it and all I can do is to trace back the route that I took. But nothing there! So I pray to God for help and suddenly in mind I remember I went to do my laundry before I left to the mini-mart. And my keys were there...right on top of the washing machine! :D Phew...and I actually wasted one hour to walk around NTU looking for my keys! Oh gosh...I AM so BLUR!!! :P Can't stand myself even coz this is not the first time I forgot about my keys...last few times I left them at home and I had to walk all the way to the campus security to borrow a spare one. Haha...haiz...lol
But actually I am not so worried about the keys to my room. I know I can always borrow a spare one from the campus security and return back to them the nest day. It was more of things attached to the keys that I am worried about. The first thing on mind when I couldn't find my keys was more like: "What happened to the keychains on it?" I have attached one bunch of keychains onto my two pathetic hostel keys. And they all means something to me...especially the one given by my first roommate Angela which she brought all the way from Sarawak as a greeting gift to me when we first met each other. Another keychain is given by Brian's friend Hua Huey who return to Singapore for summer break last year from British Columbia. Then another one is given by Brian as my last year Christmas present. The forth one is my Christmas exchange gift from my hall friend who actually really consider what I like before he bought it for me...and it happens to be the keychain that I wanted all along! :D So all of them mean something to me...and you can never expect me to get a replacement for them. They contain a lot of sentimental values with them. Thank God! :)
By the way, I was reading the bible today and I got a relevation about something that I wanted to share. In Matthew 5:33-37, it talks about the oaths we have made to the Lord. It says that we should not break our oaths but to keep them to the Lord. Yet, it tells us not to swear at all, to the heaven nor to the earth. For heaven's is for God's throne and by the earth it is for his footstool. And you can't swear by your head, for we don't have that power to make our hair white or black. All we must do is to let 'Yes' be 'Yes' and 'No' be 'No'.
It reminds me of the movies that we often watched where people swear this and swear that, especially in those gangster fighting and romance movies. But it is actually written in the bible that we don't swear but to keep the oaths that we have made to the Lord. By definition in the dictionary, oath is a solemn promise while the word "swear" means that you are promising on the oath you have made. God does not want us to give our word to the oath we had made to ourselves or anyone else, but he wanted us to keep to the solemn promise that we have made to Him and never to break it. Hmm...did you guys get what I mean? Haha...I hope I never make things more complicated here though...lol
Then from the same chapter, in verses 46 and 47, God says: "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?" God wants us to love those who are around us, not just only those who are close to us and with us most of the time. He wants us to reach out to those that we may not know them, but only like seeing them walk past us or have seen each other before in school. He wants us to communicate even to the strangers around us. In that way, we are showing our love to the people around. If we only talk to those besides us, those whom we already know, we are of no different from the others. Remember: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Hope you guys can understand what I mean. And if I get anything wrong or anyone have other opinions about the verses, please let me know so I can learn and correct myself...God bless everyone! :)
"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." - Matthew 5:11-12
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