I just had my first lesson for this 2nd last semester of me studying in NTU today -- AA205 on risk managment. Nothing special about a lesson (I bet if I start saying what I learn people will start falling asleep by the end of this blog...hee...) except that we had a little test on individual risk management and I am categorised as the "moderate to agressive" risk-taker. That means I have a potential to become a entrepreneur because I am not afraid to take higher risk yet not too agressive on that. Hahaha...does anyone understand what I mean? :P
Life goes back as usual in hall, probably only lots of things to clear up in my cozy little corner and get ready to take in the new stacks of textbooks and lecture notes. But this time I feel different. This semester I feel happy about the things I do, about my work, my studies and everything. I no longer feel bored as I return to my single room. I no longer feel frustrated easily as things turn bad or that I feel super lonely. Is there a change in me over the past 3 months of school holiday? Coz suddenly I don't feel like myself at all and this is really scaring my own self out...I used to be so slack that I can't even be bothered my work and things often go hay-wire. I was a mess myself.
But somehow I like this new "me" who are so much at peace and happy with my own life. I don't lead my own life now...He is the one leading me from above as his vision is much more futher and deeper than mine. I love you so much Lord...for giving me a new birth. And thank you Chongyu for bringing me back to Him that I had kept myself away for the past 5 years...
So here I have two songs that I want to share with, "My answer is you" by Brian Littrell and "Hiding Place" by Don Moen...two songs that can much express myself now: one who no longer wander around in fear and depression but to know the direction to head on, where the destiny is whatever everyone will desire:
My answer is you by Brian Littrell
There's a world of difference when faith is in a heart
It stands out like sunlight
Life becomes so dark
And when those around me ask me why I dare to dream
Or why I love or why I sing
My answer is You
My answer is You
You're the hope that my heart is holding on to
Skeptics won't understand
It's strange from the world's point of view
My answer is You
They might find it incredible to believe what I can't see
They might think it's foolish
Or even say it's weak
I want to live my life so differently because of faith
If it causes them to question, for me to say
You're the reason I'm alive
For every good thing in my life
My answer is You
My answer is You
You're the hope that my heart is holding on to
Skeptics won't understand
It's strange from the world's point of view
But my answer is plain and it's simple, Lord
My answer is You
Hiding Place by Don Moen
You are my hiding place
I run to You
I need Your mercy and grace
To see me through
So I'll run to You
You are my strength O God
You will uphold me
You are my shield O God
You will protect me
I'll run to You
I'll run to You
I'll run to You
I'll run to You...
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