Sunday, November 05, 2006

Arise & Build 2006

I am glad to see Yanning this morning. Only knew that she is coming for service when Weng message me about it since I am meeting him, Joanne and Shu Hui for breakfast. Never ask Yanning to come this time because she never replied my sms for some time le. Thought she didn't want to come. Thank God she came and things are resolved. And I do look forward to see you guys again when we celebrate Caiying's birthday ya? Hahaha...another 21st birthday birthday... *broke* :o

Today message was on how to establish "value". But I feel pretty dry about the message and seriously I feel like I never learn much about it. I had shared with Shu Hui about this. Not that I don't understand what pastor is talking, and I agreed that we have to give to God what is precious to us and He will know that indeed we have given our all to Him and reward us. I like the example of Abraham who is about to sacrifice Isaac, his only son then at his age of 100, as to illustrate on his point. But...I have no idea why. Ha.

Yanning left early to go for work at 1pm. I am really glad that she had made the effort to come. I believe God is I made my pledge finally. Putting those numbers down have been something I know I will do one day. And after that we sang the song written specially for this Arise & Build by Casey.

I cried as I sang the song. I have no idea why. Is this what the pastor says that the amount should move you to tears? Is it my desire to build God a greater house? it simply the lyrics in the song that moves me to tears? I don't know why. Maybe I will know it later ba...

Nothing much to do after that except to go down to support Daph & Kenneth at the Subaru WRX Challenge. The winner, the last one standing with their hands on the car will win the Subaru back home. Go Daph & Kenneth! We are proud of you two! *bleaming* :D

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