Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Have you PRAY today? :)

Juz went for prayer meeting and I feel great. :) Though this time we pray in tongues almost throughout the meeting, but it is good in a sense that it stirred up the Holy Spirits within us. My friend told me that she doesn't feel that great as she cannot last long in praying in tongues. True. But then, remember that you are not obliged to pray in tongues only. If you feel distracted after a long time of praying in tongues, take a break or start praying in normal words. Pray in the way that you find most comfortable with. :)

I went for the altar call today to let the pastor pray for me as I find the studying of exam seems to distract me away from Him again. I feel spiritually dry for some time. But I am better now. Thank God for giving me the new strength again. Thank Jazlyn for praying for us for our exams. :)

So one thing I learn tonight: PRAY MORE especially in the time you are most STRESSED UP, when you are most DISTRACTED, and when you are most BUSY. Don't make yourself believe that it is hard for you to do so because a prayer doesn't take you much time or space...juz do it at your own time own target. *wink* ;)

Because these are the times you need new strength, something to hold on to, a break or anything to recharge you and strengthen you so you can continue to go for the extra miles. And PRAYER IS the KEY for you to receive STRENGTH, WISDOM, DISCIPLINE...a RENEW mindset for you to continue to walk down the tough path ahead in your studies or work. You can always find PEACE through talking to God. He should always be the comforter for you, the first person you need to run to when you are in trouble and stress.

I thank God for the strength He gave me during this exam period. All I need is You.

I should feel happier when Friday and next Tuesday papers are gone as these are two very important papers to me. And I start to see Banyan Trees everywhere now (my Friday exam case study...16 pages and reading it for the 3rd time now...haiz...) But I won't be defeated by it so easily *wink*

To all my friends: Please pray for me that I will face my exams with a calm mindset and that I won't fall sick during this crucial period. Thanks a million. :)

To all those who are in the same boat as me: JIA YOU people! :D Continue to row our boat ya coz the coast is in sight le...don't stop now or we will be stuck in the middle of the sea...HANG ON there and I will be here praying for you guys *hugz*

"Rememer the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today." ~ Deuteronomy 8:18

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