As I studied for my exam these days, I realise one thing: For a paper that lasted for only 2 hours or slightly more, I have to go through 4 months of lessons and extra study hours to prepare for juz a 2-hour exam! Is this all worth it?
Then I realise another thing is that there are many similar situation in our lives too. We studied for years and years just to go for ONE certificate, that is your highest education qualification certificate, in order for us to look for a job interview. I realise that we need to go through relationship with our boyfriend or girlfriend and this is just a preparation for the sweetest thing in life -- marriage. Sport players have to go through years of long training...all for just a game that will last for a few hours or even minutes.
We are so often need to spend so much time on something just for the sake of a very very short period of time that is the most important and the main reason for us to spend our time on. Are they all worth the time you spent?
That's why I learn one thing here too -- we need to prioritize our activities, planned it and weigh what is important to us. We all know the time given to us is limited and there is nothing we can do to extend or change about it. But we can learn to live to the fullest of life. We need to know what is more worth for us to do and what is not. We need to find the thing that is important and to commit ourselves to spend our time on it.
That is also the reason why, as a christian, we need to prepare ourselves for God's coming. He is certainly worth the years of waiting and learning from Him. We need to grow spiritually and not to be stagnant at the baby christian stage. We need to renew our minds and hearts regularly through His words and not to depend on our past testimonies. Like our leaders have said before, if we are growing, our testimonies will grow with us too.
Saw this little chubby cat in my school...cute isn't it? :P But still nothing beats my little babies...hahaha...feel guilty for neglecting them for a while so dote them on some tibits...cheese rolls and vege sticks (all for hamsters)...and they love it! Yeah! :D
"Writing on blog certainly helps to destress a Okie...back to work now...haiz...Christine Go Go GO! :D"
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