Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I see stars everywhere... *faint* :P

After these few days of studying (or simply stoning) at my astronomy book, I realise what I learn inside can be applied to my daily life too. How to say that?

Oh well, when you are too stressed over your work or studies, or you realise that you made some careless mistakes in your quiz, don't you guys have a tendency to bang your head against the wall?! That's when you see STARS! And as I count down to the days when my exam comes, I encounter the same problem when I had to count the distance (in LIGHTYEARS) between the different stars from the earth: They are as difficult to count. And the nearer it is, the heavier my heart is (and the stronger the GRAVITATIONAL FORCE or the effect they had on Earth).

Sometimes, you realise that you study for the whole day yet nothing gets to your head. This is what people always say "Study hard but study SMART"...you want to excel that's when you need both isn't it? Oh well guess what, in astronomy, you can use this as in the presence of BLACKHOLE too! :D You are probably stuck in the Black Hole and that's why you are covered in total darkness. Juz got to pull yourself out of it and you will see the light again... :)

But the existence of Black Hole is due to SUPERNOVA, the stellar explosion that means the end of the life of a star. Too much knowledge squeeze into your head can lead to an explosion of knowledge into your little brain too...so don't stop studying until the days when your exam comes then you rush to squeeze in all your knowledge ya? You will do much better if you keep a consistence study habits... :)

And when you are finally come to understand what you are studying, you will see the different colours that make up the white light. You will be acting like the LIGHT SPECTRUM, refracting the different colours of light from the white light source. You will get to see beyond what you learn and to even be able to apply them into your work and your life. Isn't that's the reason why tutors allow us to have open-book exams? Coz the answer is not directly from your books...you need to read between the lines.

Last but not least, I think I am getting too lame here due to my stress from my studies...wahahaha...lol This can be explained by the DEGENERACY PRESSURE of the stellar objects too, which support the dead star from the crush of gravity...hee... :P

Haiz...if anyone considering taking Astronomy, pls reconsider coz there is lots of physics involve and as a business student, this subject is the worst thing to happen! *sobz* :(

BUT then to be fair, there are interesting things that I learnt here too. Like...

I learn about the life cycle of a star:

Stellar Nebula -> Massive Star -> Red Supergiant -> Supernova -> Black Hole or Neutron Star
I also learn about why Black Hole is called Black Hole (oh well...lol):
  1. A black hole is an object predicted by general relativity with a gravitational field so strong that nothing can escape it — not even light.
  2. A black hole is defined to be a region of space-time where escape to the outside universe is impossible.
  3. Black holes emit no light (and hence it is very difficult to detect them).
  4. Light is trapped inside black hole due to effects of general relativity : spacetime is severely warped within event horizon.
  5. Light coming from a region close to a black hole is bent & red-shifted.
  6. Light can orbit a black hole at a radius of 1.5Rs. (Rs is known as Schwarzchid radius and is in km...Rs = 3M where M = Msun...so a black hole with the mass of the Sun is Rs = 3km)
Hope you guys learn something here...and hope you guys don't freeze after reading this entry...wahahaha...lol *grinz*
"Finding some joy in the midst of the exam stress...and getting a little cranky after a long day of studying for the quiz...lol"

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